- The Chinese law system falls into the category of statute law, and legal provision entails theory. The educator's task is to annotate law. 中國法屬于成文法,法條背后隱含了法學(xué)理論,法學(xué)教育仍須以制定法的注釋為核心任務(wù),并支撐法學(xué)專(zhuān)業(yè)教育。
- So in judicial area,it is not intolerable that the practitioner digress from the malapropos statute law moderatel... 因此,司法實(shí)踐中司法者合理地違背或游離于某些不合時(shí)宜的程序性規范之外就成為可以理解的事情了。
- Both of the statute law and the case law are the most effective legal form in the world. 法典法與判例法是當今世界上最具影響力的兩種法律形式,兩者相比各有長(cháng)短。
- Statute Law was actualized firstly in Japan in 1889, and the modern democratic election system was established. 1889年,日本在非西方國家中第一個(gè)實(shí)施了成文憲法,并據此建立了近代民主選舉制度。
- However, as a method of legal creation and interpretation, the case law is riot antagonistic to the statute law. 然而,作為一種創(chuàng )制法律、解釋法律的技術(shù)方法而言,判例法與成文法并不是相互排斥、相互對立的。
- Misdemeanors are offences against the criminal law which are not by common law or statute law treason or felony. 輕罪是普通法和制定法中除叛逆罪和重罪以外的犯罪。
- The development of law is the course from custom to statute law,and during this course the statute law broke away from the local regulations. 法律的發(fā)展經(jīng)歷了一個(gè)由習慣到習慣法再到制定法的過(guò)程,在這個(gè)過(guò)程中,法律不斷地與地方性規則相脫離。
- Absolute judicial justice is an ideal while relative judicial justice is an evitable defect of the jurisdiction based on statute law. 絕對司法公正是理想,司法公正只能是相對的。相對司法公正的成因有內因和外因之分。
- On the jurisprudence perspective,the judicial practice could not simultaneously should not obey the logic of the statute law,or official law all the time. 從法理學(xué)角度來(lái)說(shuō),司法活動(dòng)也不可能始終,同時(shí)也不應當始終沿著(zhù)制定法、“應然法”所界定的邏輯行進(jìn)。
- The two systems of statute law and case law as the mainstream of global juridical culture have had historic and manifold influence upon China's legal system construction. 大陸法系和英美法系是當今世界法律文化的主流,兩大法系對我國法制建設有著(zhù)歷史性的多方位的影響。
- The development of jurisprudence makes everyone acknowledge that the statute law has serious defects,such as the inactivation,equivocation,hysteresis,et. 法理學(xué)的發(fā)展使人們逐步認識到成文法的局限和不足,例如成文法的僵化、歧義、滯后或過(guò)于超前等不合時(shí)宜問(wèn)題。
- In that case, the established ” “ know for judicial interpretation, judicial application left too much space, this statute law in our country is not appropriate. 那么,草案所確立的“知道”便給司法解釋、司法適用留下了過(guò)大的空間,這在我們這種成文法國家是不合適的。
- Our country is beginning to the civil procedure law to carry on the revision, the basic principle is one of important contents which the civil procedure law revises. 摘要我國正在著(zhù)手對民事訴訟法進(jìn)行修改,基本原則是民事訴訟法修改的重要內容之一。
- The fact that the folk law has recently aroused more and more attentions and interests to the jurists shows that the legal research is changing from statute law focus to legal pluralism. 近年興起的民間法研究熱點(diǎn)表明以國家法為中心的單一研究對象和規范分析方法正在受到?jīng)_擊,法學(xué)研究多元化的局面正在形成之中。
- The Accounting Law revised has come into force recent ly since July 1 st this Year. 新修訂的《會(huì )計法》已于今年7月1日正式實(shí)施了。
- Possessory liens can be, in view of shipping practices, divided into the liens arising from statute laws and the contracts which are of difference with those under civil laws. 海商留置權與民法留置權存在一定的差異,其中的合同留置權糾紛較多,判例也不穩定。
- China Statute Law System Having a Long Source 我國成文法制源遠流長(cháng)
- Working hours are limited by statute. 工作時(shí)間有法令限制。
- The law provides that these ancient buildings must be preserved. 法律規定,這些古老的建筑應該保存。
- The police are responsible for the enforcement of the law. 警察負責執法。