- You could use a static class to hold those methods. 您應該使用靜態(tài)類(lèi)來(lái)包含那些方法。
- Initialize Static Class Members with Static Constructors. 使用靜態(tài)構造器初始化靜態(tài)類(lèi)成員。
- Demonstrates how to access a base class variable that is hidden in a derived class. 演示如何訪(fǎng)問(wèn)在派生類(lèi)中隱藏的基類(lèi)變量。
- However, the drawback to a static class is that all static methods need to be thread safe. 但是,靜態(tài)類(lèi)的缺點(diǎn)是需要保證所有靜態(tài)方法都是線(xiàn)程安全的。
- In the Java language, only one sensible mapping exists: The attribute becomes a class variable. 在Java語(yǔ)言中只有一種合理的映射方式:屬性變成一個(gè)類(lèi)變量。
- An assertion cannot be used with class variable declarations for instance, but can be placed within any method. 不能將斷言同實(shí)例的類(lèi)變量聲明一塊使用,但卻可以將其置于任何方法內。
- Do not treat static classes as a miscellaneous bucket. 不要認為靜態(tài)類(lèi)可無(wú)所不包。
- The Dns class is a static class that retrieves information about a specific host from the Internet Domain Name System (DNS). Dns類(lèi)是一個(gè)靜態(tài)類(lèi),它從Internet域名系統(DNS)檢索關(guān)于特定主機的信息。
- Structure variable declarations cannot specify initializers or initial sizes for arrays; class variable declarations can. 結構變量聲明不能指定初始值設定項或數組初始大小,而類(lèi)變量聲明可以。
- Also, a static class can make your implementation simpler and faster because you do not have to create an object in order to call its methods. 此外,靜態(tài)類(lèi)能夠使您的實(shí)現更簡(jiǎn)單、迅速,因為您不必創(chuàng )建對象就能調用其方法。
- By providing a simple yet powerful way to extend models, behaviors allow us to attach functionality to models by defining a simple class variable. 通過(guò)提供一種簡(jiǎn)單但強大的方法來(lái)擴展模塊,行為(Behaviors)允許我們通過(guò)簡(jiǎn)單地定義一個(gè)類(lèi)變量來(lái)加入方法。
- Static class methods can also be passed without instantiating an object of that class by passing the class name instead of an object as the element with index 0. 對于沒(méi)有實(shí)例化為對象的靜態(tài)類(lèi),要傳遞其方法,將數組0下標指明的對象名換成該類(lèi)的名稱(chēng)即可。
- Static classes can be used when there is no data or behavior in the class that depends on object identity. 當類(lèi)中沒(méi)有依賴(lài)對象標識的數據或行為時(shí),就可以使用靜態(tài)類(lèi)。
- Static classes are a safe and convenient way of declaring a class containing static methods that cannot be instantiated. 若要聲明那些包含不能實(shí)例化的靜態(tài)方法的類(lèi),靜態(tài)類(lèi)就是一種安全而便利的方式。
- They were going to create a classless society, and they have created the strictest society with static classes. 他們想創(chuàng )造一個(gè)沒(méi)有階級的社會(huì ),卻創(chuàng )造出了有最僵化嚴格的階級社會(huì )。
- As you can see the type of the class variables is generic, but you can improve the generator to understand if a variable should contain a number or a function. 如你所見(jiàn),類(lèi)的成員變量的類(lèi)型是通用類(lèi)型,但是你可以改進(jìn)產(chǎn)生器,使之知道一個(gè)變量應該包含一個(gè)數字或一個(gè)函數。
- Do declare static classes as sealed and abstract, and add a private instance constructor, if your programming language does not have built-in support for static classes. 如果編程語(yǔ)言沒(méi)有對靜態(tài)類(lèi)的內置支持,則應將靜態(tài)類(lèi)聲明為密封的和抽象的,并添加一個(gè)私有實(shí)例構造函數。
- Static classes cannot contain a constructor, although it is still possible to declare a static constructor to assign initial values or set up some static state. 靜態(tài)類(lèi)不能包含構造函數,但仍可聲明靜態(tài)構造函數以分配初始值或設置某個(gè)靜態(tài)狀態(tài)。
- Conclusion: Both individual variables and class variables have influenced the Chinese achievement test in CEE. 結論:學(xué)生的個(gè)體變量和班級變量對高考語(yǔ)文成績(jì)存在影響。
- There are two ways to refer to a static variable. 有兩個(gè)辦法可引用一個(gè)static變量。