- Review of relevant state laws and statutes has been completed by and large, and a number of laws and regulations have been repealed, revised and formulated. 全國性的相關(guān)法規、規章的清理工作已基本完成,廢止和修改、制定了一批法律法規。
- Review of relevant state laws and statutes has been completed by and large,and a number of laws and regulations have been repealed,revised and formulated. 全國性的相關(guān)法規、規章的清理工作已基本完成,廢止和修改、制定了一批法律法規。
- We should upbuild mature system of law and statute. 我們應該建立完備的法律、法規體系。
- Contract law has its sources in both common law and statute. 合同法的淵源來(lái)自于普通法和制定法。
- The evolvement of libraries, the stipulation of laws and statutes about libraries established the rudiment of modern public libraries. 清末民初公共圖書(shū)館的興起,以及圖書(shū)館方面法律、法規的制定,奠定了現代公共圖書(shū)館系統的雛形。
- As we all know, Judaism focuses on laws, and among many laws and statutes, the law about charity is an important one. 眾所周知,重律法是猶太教傳統的一大特點(diǎn),而在諸多的倫理道德律例中,慈善是猶太律法中非常重要的一個(gè)方面。
- Some laws and statutes can be tried out in particular localities and later enacted nationally after the experience has been evaluated and improvements have been made. 有的法規地方可以先試搞,然后經(jīng)過(guò)總結提高,制定全國通行的法律。
- We can make the commitment that ZBC business regarding consulting is complied with international and national related laws and statutes. 我們在此鄭重承諾:中標經(jīng)略的咨詢(xún)服務(wù)和行為完全符合國際和國家相關(guān)法律法規的要求。
- In particular,we should lose no time in drawing up laws and statutes,including ones to regulate assembly,association,demonstration,and the press and publishing. 特別要抓緊立法,包括集會(huì )、結社、游行、示威、新聞、出版等方面的法律和法規。
- In the part of seepage theory, it includes pervious foundation and Darcy"s law and seepage calculation. 滲透理論部分包括透水地基、達西定律和滲流計算;
- The rules governing the ebb and flow of euphemism are the Gresham’s Law and the Law of Succession. 第二章分析了有關(guān)委婉語(yǔ)的翻譯現狀,提出譯者可能面臨的三個(gè)主要問(wèn)題:1、由于譯者對譯語(yǔ)文化不夠熟悉而使用非委婉語(yǔ)甚至是禁忌語(yǔ)來(lái)譯委婉語(yǔ)。
- In particular, we should lose no time in drawing up laws and statutes, including ones to regulate assembly, association, demonstration, and the press and publishing. 特別要抓緊立法,包括集會(huì )、結社、游行、示威、新聞、出版等方面的法律和法規。
- The standards of evaluation of the capacity of formation using the Metcalfe’s law and combinatory mathematics are discussed. 該算法與實(shí)際作戰相結合,能較好地量化作戰編隊的作戰效能。
- Onother word, Mendel’s hypothesis said: The hereditary material just is the gene, whichdistributes and spreads in Mendel’s laws and determines the character. 所以孟德?tīng)栒f(shuō)的是: 遺傳物質(zhì)就是基因,它按孟德?tīng)柖煞植疾⑦z傳,生物性狀由它造成。
- People's congresses at all levels are responsible for drafting and revising laws and statutes to protect women's rights and interests. They supervise the implementation of relevant laws and governmental work to safeguard the women's rights and interests. 各級人民代表大會(huì )負責制定和修改有關(guān)保護婦女權益的法律、法規,監督有關(guān)法律的實(shí)施及政府保障婦女權益方面的工作。
- To realize dealing with complaint letters and visits according to laws, we should ulteriorly perfect and improve laws and statutes, fortify enforcement of laws and administrative supervision and improve the legal qualities of citizens and public servants. 要實(shí)現依法信訪(fǎng)就得進(jìn)一步健全和完善信訪(fǎng)法律法規,加大信訪(fǎng)執法的力度,加強信訪(fǎng)行政監督,大力提高公民和公務(wù)員的法律素質(zhì)。
- So writer advices to build anti-dumping accounting system in enterprises, and demonstrates its concept and contents, according to accounting requests of anti-dumping laws and statutes, proceeding. 并根據國內外反傾銷(xiāo)法規和訴訟程序對會(huì )計的要求,提出建立反傾銷(xiāo)會(huì )計,并對其概念和應包括的內容進(jìn)行了闡述。
- The essay discusses the importance of humanism in the construction development our country′ s laws and principles through a general survey on the origin and the basic contents of humanism. 本文通過(guò)人文主義的歷史淵源、文主義作為現代法精神的基本內容和哲學(xué)基礎的探討,論述了人文主義在我國法制建設進(jìn)程中的重要意義。
- Law and order is vital to a country. 法律和秩序對一個(gè)國家很重要。
- Lay heavy stress on law and order. 主要重點(diǎn)放在法律和秩序上。