- Are the goods covered against fire damage? 這批貨物保了火險嗎?
- Imp:Increases your Fire damage done by 15%. 小鬼:增加你的火焰傷害15%25。
- The bif fire damaged most books. 很多書(shū)被這場(chǎng)大火損壞了.
- The police are investigating fraudulent claims for fire damage. 警方正在調查偽造的火災索賠。
- Intelligence - Associated with fire damage, and healing effects. 智力-關(guān)系到火屬性傷害,及影響體力恢復能力。
- Deals 5 Fire damage to anyone who strikes you with a melee attack. 任何肉搏擊中你都受到5點(diǎn)火焰傷害。
- The cost of the fire damage is impossible to quantify. 這次火災的損失是無(wú)法計算的。
- The man reported the full extent of the fire damages. 那個(gè)人完整的報告了火災所帶來(lái)的災害。
- Pyromancer: Do 1 million points of total fire damage. 派羅曼斯(囧,沒(méi)翻譯明白):火焰燒傷達到1000000點(diǎn)。
- Engineering: Explosive sheep do fire damage instead of physical damage. 工程學(xué):自爆綿羊現在造成火焰傷害而不是物理傷害。
- Fire damage to buildings or contaminated coatings are highly risky to health. 火災給建筑物造成的損傷或污染的涂層對人體的健康會(huì )造成極大的危害。
- Blast Wave A wave of flame radiates outward from the caster, damaging all enemies caught within the blast for 160 to 192 Fire damage, and dazing them for 6 seconds. 一道烈焰從你的身下向四周發(fā)散,對你四周的敵人造成160到192點(diǎn)火焰傷害,并且使他們暈眩6秒。
- According to the assessor's statement,the fire damage was not severe. 根據估價(jià)員的估計,火災損失并不嚴重。
- Use:Absorbs 900 to 2700 fire damage on all nearby party menmber.Lasts 5 min. 使用:使你和附近的隊友吸收900-2700火焰傷害,持續5分鐘)
- The parents had to sign contracts indemnifying the hotel against fire damage. 為此,新郎新娘的父母跟酒店簽訂了條款,賠償火堆造成的損害。
- Increased the Fire damage inflicted by the Icebreaker weapon enchantment. 增加了破冰者武器附魔造成的火焰傷害。
- Pyros are immune to fire damage and all of their attacks cause fire damage. 火焰兵對火焰系傷害免疫,并能造成火焰系傷害。
- A wave of flame radiates outward from the caster, damaging all enemies caught within the blast for 160 to 192 Fire damage, and dazing them for 6 seconds. 沖擊波:施法者放出一道火焰沖擊波,所有被沖擊波觸及的敵人都會(huì )受到160至192點(diǎn)火焰傷害并眩暈6秒。
- A fire was burning in the grate. 火在壁爐中燃燒著(zhù)。
- He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他為自己的房子辦理了一份火險保險單。