- A special force was detached from the army. 軍隊派出了一支特種部隊。
- The special forces have a variety of missions. 特種部隊執行多種任務(wù)。
- What are the special tasks for the special forces? 特種部隊有那些特殊任務(wù)呢?
- The Border Security Force is formed in India as a special force to guard the borders. 年邊界安全軍作為一支駐守邊防的特種軍隊在印度組成。
- For this the DED often uses their special force unit, named Special Affairs for Regulations & Order, or SARO. 因此,DED經(jīng)常會(huì )出動(dòng)秩序特別事務(wù)部隊或者簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)為SARO的特別軍事部門(mén)(類(lèi)似于聯(lián)合國的維和部隊)。
- Did the special force arrest the high officials (for example Dr.Breen) instead of kill them like the other personnels? 軍隊在黑山的軍事行動(dòng)中,除了屠殺黑山基地人員外,是否逮捕了而沒(méi)有殺掉黑山的高層人員?
- I know that the special forces can rescue hostages and POWs, too. 我知道特種部隊也營(yíng)救人質(zhì)和戰俘。
- Most special forces are equipped with sophisticated weapons. 大多數特種部隊都擁有精良的武器裝備。
- S., a special forces unit of the Raccoon Police Department. S.;任職,一支隸屬于浣熊市警署的特種部隊。
- A former Special Forces officer, now member of the Horizon team. 一位前特種部隊軍官;現團隊成員地平線(xiàn).
- In this way a special force that encouraged fertility and endowed people with health and success was transferred from the branches. 通過(guò)這種方式,一種特殊的鼓勵豐產(chǎn)、賦予人們健康和成功的力量就經(jīng)過(guò)樹(shù)枝傳送了出去。
- Indian special forces personnel are trying to rescue the hostages. 中英文對照:印度特種部隊人員正在試圖解救人質(zhì)。
- In this research, we have studied the risk factors in lower extremity injuries and the influential factors of training performance record in new recruits of a Special Force Army. 本課題對某特種部隊新兵入伍訓練下肢軍事訓練傷的危險因素以及特種部隊新兵影響訓練成績(jì)的相關(guān)因素進(jìn)行了研究。
- At first,I wanted be a state trooper,then I wanted to be in the Special Forces. 起初,我想當國民警衛隊員,還想過(guò)進(jìn)特種兵部隊。
- Many countries have set up special forces to carry out special tasks. 很多國家建立了執行特殊作戰任務(wù)的特種部隊。
- What qualities and skills should the soldiers have for the special forces? 特種部隊的士兵應具備什么素質(zhì)和技能呢?
- Special forces play an important role in both wartime and peacetime. 無(wú)論在戰時(shí)還是平時(shí),特種部隊都發(fā)揮著(zhù)重要作用。
- U.S. Air Force Master Sergeant Epps (Tyrese Gibson, left) and Special Forces Army Ranger Sgt. Lennox (Josh Duhamel, right) are on patrol in Qatar. 美國空軍中士愛(ài)普斯(泰瑞茲·吉布森飾,居左)和特種兵突擊隊中士利諾克斯(喬希·杜哈梅爾飾,居右)正在卡塔爾巡邏。
- SFG: Special Force Group. 陸軍特種作戰群.
- A 2,000 pound JDAM bomb landed with devastating precision,killing three Special Forces soldiers and five Afghan allies. 于是一枚2000磅的聯(lián)合制導攻擊炸彈極其準確地投下來(lái),炸死了3名特種部隊士兵和5名阿富汗同盟隊員。