- In accordance with the strategic decision for the large-scale development of the western re-gion made by the state,the CMC has established a special leading group and a dedicated office,and made unified arrangements. 根據國家西部大開(kāi)發(fā)的戰略決策,中央軍委成立了專(zhuān)門(mén)領(lǐng)導小組及其辦公室,做出統一部署。
- In accordance with the strategic decision for the large-scale development of the western re-gion made by the state, the CMC has established a special leading group and a dedicated office, and made unified arrangements. 根據國家西部大開(kāi)發(fā)的戰略決策,中央軍委成立了專(zhuān)門(mén)領(lǐng)導小組及其辦公室,做出統一部署。
- We followed the plan lined out by the leading group. 我們遵照領(lǐng)導小組似訂的計劃去做。
- Reassigns 40 cadre to establish the leading group office. 抽調40名干部成立領(lǐng)導小組辦公室。
- The leading group decided to tell all the workers to take part in the strike. 領(lǐng)導小組決定通知所有的工人參加罷工。
- Goebbels looked down on the crude philistines of the leading group in Munich. 戈培爾是個(gè)知識分子,看不起慕尼黑領(lǐng)導層不學(xué)無(wú)術(shù)的市儈庸人。
- Things are looking up as a result of a reshuffle of the leading group. 領(lǐng)導班子走馬換將后, 工作有了起色。
- Special lead calcium alloy makes better corrosion resistance and higher recovery capacity. 使用特殊的鉛鈣合金,更耐腐蝕,充電接受能力更好。
- The members of leading group include the leaders of the concerned ministries of the State Council. 領(lǐng)導小組成員包括國務(wù)院有關(guān)部門(mén)的主要負責人。
- No doubt the members of our leading group have had only limited experience in politics and struggle. That's true. 毫無(wú)疑問(wèn),就從政的經(jīng)驗、斗爭的經(jīng)驗來(lái)說(shuō),我們的班子有弱點(diǎn),這是事實(shí)。
- From Chen Duxiu to the Zunyi Meeting,not a single leading group was truly mature. 從陳獨秀起,一直到遵義會(huì )議,沒(méi)有一屆是真正成熟的。
- Once the new leading group has established its prestige,I am resolved to withdraw and not interfere in your affairs. 新的領(lǐng)導班子一經(jīng)建立了威信,我堅決退出,不干擾你們的事。
- Instead of popping stimulants, drivers may soon rely on special LED lights to reset the body’s internal clock. 很快駕駛員將可以依賴(lài)于特殊的LED燈光而不是間歇的震動(dòng)聲來(lái)重新安排身體的內部時(shí)鐘。
- As an intellectual Goebbels looked down on the crude philistines of the leading group in Munich. 戈培爾是個(gè)知識分子,看不起慕尼黑領(lǐng)導層不學(xué)無(wú)術(shù)的市儈庸人。
- Once the new leading group has established its prestige, I am resolved to withdraw and not interfere in your affairs. 新的領(lǐng)導班子一經(jīng)建立了威信,我堅決退出,不干擾你們的事。
- From Chen Duxiu to the zunyi Meeting, not a single leading group was truly mature. 從陳獨秀起,一直到遵義會(huì )議,沒(méi)有一屆是真正成熟的。
- And members of an enterprise, leading group under the Party commission at the prefecture level. 領(lǐng)導班子由地廳級黨委管理的企業(yè)的領(lǐng)導班子中的領(lǐng)導干部。
- The occult blood group leader forever! The only leading group of blood! Say you are omnipotent Almighty! 該隱血族的永遠的領(lǐng)袖!唯一可以領(lǐng)導血族的人!要說(shuō)萬(wàn)能您才是萬(wàn)能的!
- Germany plays in Prague on March 24 (8.45 P.M., live on ARD) - both teams leading Group D with 10 points each. 德國隊將于3月24日在布拉格與捷克隊展開(kāi)較量,目前兩支球隊都在D組中同積10分處于領(lǐng)先。
- The Russian ,CHN and UKR teams are shared the same score . They are now in the leading group. 俄羅斯、中國、烏克蘭積分相同,目前位居第一集團。