
[sa?nd]     [sa?nd]    
  • n. 聲音;嘈雜聲;音樂(lè )風(fēng)格;曲調;印象;感覺(jué);海峽;魚(yú)鰾;探針
  • v. 聽(tīng)起來(lái);感覺(jué)起來(lái);發(fā)出聲音;發(fā)音;探測深度;探詢(xún)
  • adj. 有效的;合理的;可靠的;全面的;健康的;完好的;酣睡的;嚴厲的
  • adv. 酣暢地
soundable soundly sounder soundest soundness sounded sounded sounding sounds



n. (名詞)
  1. 聲音,響聲
  2. 海峽,海灣
  3. 音響
  4. 印象,感覺(jué)
  5. 【醫】(檢查體腔的)探子,探條
  6. 噪音,喧鬧聲
  7. 【物】聲
  8. 音調
  9. 【語(yǔ)】音
  10. <俚>流行音樂(lè )
  11. <俚>唱片
  12. 探針
  13. (魚(yú)的)鰾
v. (動(dòng)詞)
  1. 響,鳴響,弄響
  2. 宣告,通知,宣揚
  3. 回響
  4. 敲擊檢查
  5. 反響
  6. 發(fā)聲音,發(fā)音
  7. 用聲音傳播,傳播
  8. 召喚
  9. 測量(海深),錘測 ,探測,測水深
  10. 試探(別人的意見(jiàn)),探聽(tīng)
  11. 調查(可能性)
  12. 聽(tīng)起來(lái),聽(tīng)上去
  13. 使發(fā)聲,使響起
  14. 發(fā)出…的信號
  15. 【醫】叩診,聽(tīng)診
  16. 【音】(樂(lè )器)被奏響,被吹響,被敲響
  17. 【法】具有(…的)基本性質(zhì)
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 合理的,可靠的
  2. 完好的,健全的
  3. 正確的,正當的
  4. 嚴厲的
  5. 堅固的,堅牢的
  6. 穩當的
  7. 充分的
  8. 明智的
  9. 健康的,強壯的
  10. 正常的
  11. 無(wú)疵的
  12. 沒(méi)有腐爛的
  13. 合法的
  14. 見(jiàn)解正確的,合邏輯的
adv. (副詞)
  1. 充分地
  2. 酣、沉(睡)
  3. 酣暢地
  4. 十分地


n. (名詞)
  1. [C] 聲音,響聲 what is or may be heard; (sth that causes) a sensation in the ear
  2. [S] 印象,感覺(jué),含義 an idea produced by sth read or heard
  3. [U] 播音,錄音 things broadcast or played from a recording machine for listening to rather than for seeing
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 健全的,完好的 in good condition, without disease or damage
  2. 明智的,有判斷力的,正確的 showing good sense or good judgment
  3. 徹底的,完全的 thorough, complete
v. (動(dòng)詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 發(fā)出聲音; 響 give out sound
  2. vt. 發(fā)出…的信號 give the signal for
  3. vt. 探測 measure the depth of water by letting down a weight fastened on the end of a line
  4. vt. 試探,探詢(xún) try to learn sb's views, sentiments


  1. the particular auditory effect produced by a given cause;

    "the sound of rain on the roof"
    "the beautiful sound of music"

  2. the subjective sensation of hearing something;

    "he strained to hear the faint sounds"

  3. mechanical vibrations transmitted by an elastic medium;

    "falling trees make a sound in the forest even when no one is there to hear them"

  4. the sudden occurrence of an audible event;

    "the sound awakened them"

  5. the audible part of a transmitted signal;

    "they always raise the audio for commercials"

  6. (phonetics) an individual sound unit of speech without concern as to whether or not it is a phoneme of some language

  7. a narrow channel of the sea joining two larger bodies of water

  8. a large ocean inlet or deep bay;

    "the main body of the sound ran parallel to the coast"

  1. financially secure and safe;

    "sound investments"
    "a sound economy"

  2. exercising or showing good judgment;

    "healthy scepticism"
    "a healthy fear of rattlesnakes"
    "the healthy attitude of French laws"
    "healthy relations between labor and management"
    "an intelligent solution"
    "a sound approach to the problem"
    "sound advice"
    "no sound explanation for his decision"

  3. in good condition; free from defect or damage or decay;

    "a sound timber"
    "the wall is sound"
    "a sound foundation"

  4. in excellent physical condition;

    "good teeth"
    "I still have one good leg"
    "a sound mind in a sound body"

  5. logically valid;

    "a sound argument"

  6. having legal efficacy or force;

    "a sound title to the property"

  7. free from moral defect;

    "a man of sound character"

  8. (of sleep) deep and complete;

    "a heavy sleep"
    "fell into a profound sleep"
    "a sound sleeper"
    "deep wakeless sleep"

  9. thorough;

    "a sound thrashing"

  1. appear in a certain way;

    "This sounds interesting"

  2. make a certain noise or sound;

    "She went `Mmmmm'"
    "The gun went `bang'"

  3. give off a certain sound or sounds;

    "This record sounds scratchy"

  4. announce by means of a sound;

    "sound the alarm"

  5. utter with vibrating vocal chords

  6. cause to sound;

    "sound the bell"
    "sound a certain note"

  7. measure the depth of (a body of water) with a sounding line



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The man was gone: his footsteps made no sound.
  2. I caught a curious sound in the neighboring room.
  3. He plays an original jazz-gospel sound.
    他演奏了一曲自己獨創(chuàng )的爵士福音。
  4. The bell gave forth a peasant, lingering sound.
  5. They had a wonderful time by the sound of it.
  6. From the sound of things you were lucky to find him.
用作動(dòng)詞 (v.)
  1. You sound a little down in dumps.
  2. As fun as that may sound, it may be uncomfortable for some of us.
  3. Together we had done our best to sound the alarm.
  4. You don't sound the "b" in the word "comb".
用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. There are possible risks, but nonetheless, we feel it's a sound investment.
  2. His argument is basically sound.
  3. The system is both practical and ecologically sound.
  4. He has a sound grasp of the issues.
  5. The doctors made a thorough examination on Mary and found her pretty sound.
  6. They have got home safe and sound.
  7. With heavy rain falling all night, she had a sound sleep.
用作副詞 (adv.)
  1. He slept sound in his mother's cradle song.


用作動(dòng)詞 (v.)
sound in (v.+prep.)
    表示出…的樣子 performHe always sounds in folly.他總是表現出一副愚蠢的樣子。
sound like (v.+prep.)
    聽(tīng)起來(lái)像 just listen to (sth) like (sth)
    sound like sth

    What he said sounded like a fairy-tale.


    It sounds like thunder.


    That sounds like a good arrangement.


sound off (v.+adv.)
    明確而大膽地說(shuō)出 express an opinion freely and forcefully, especially to brag or complain loudly
    sound off

    The bugler sounded off.


    Ask the musician to sound off, and then we can start.

    讓樂(lè )師奏起來(lái),然后我們就可出發(fā)了。

    The men must not make any mistakes while sounding off.


    sound off

    I could hear father sounding off to his class on his favourite subject again.


    sound off about sth

    Has he been sounding off about his golf game again?


    John's always sounding off about the extremely poor quality of the beer at our local pub.


sound out (v.+adv.)
    試探意見(jiàn),探聽(tīng)口氣 try (especially cautiously or in a reserved manner) to learn sb's views, sentiments, etc.
    sound sb ? out

    He will sound them out for us.

    他會(huì )為我們試探一下他們的看法的。

    We'll have to sound out the opposition before we decide what action to take.


    He sounded out the other members of the club about the proposal.

    他探詢(xún)過(guò)俱樂(lè )部其余成員對這一建議的看法。

    Let's sound him out on the proposal.


    I will sound out the manager on the question of holidays.



用作名詞 (n.)
動(dòng)詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞
用作形容詞 (adj.)
用作動(dòng)詞 (v.)
~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • My sharpest sense is that of sound.

    出自: M. Tippett
  • Men in the prime of life, sound of wind and limb.

    出自: V. Woolf
  • Doctors..overhauled him and found him pretty sound.

    出自: C. P. Snow
  • A bell began clanging, and he listened till a hundred..strokes had sounded.

    出自: T. Hardy
  • The street sounds to the soldiers' tread.

    出自: A. E. Housman
  • A gun sounded from the bank.

    出自: A. Schlee
  • Let us go to the bow and see the linesman sounding.

    出自: T. Mo
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