- We want to get the sole license for China. 偶們想拿到全中國的獨家許可證.
- You can add a license agreement to this service profile. 您可以在服務(wù)配置文件中添加許可協(xié)議。
- Please accept or decline the End User License Agreement. 請接受或拒絕最終用戶(hù)許可協(xié)議。
- Please check your license agreement before considering deployment. 在考慮部署之前,請檢查許可協(xié)議。
- Can I submit a license agreement for stamping electronically? 要加蓋印花的特許協(xié)議可否以電子方式遞交?
- The End-User License Agreement (EULA) cannot be found. 無(wú)法找到最終用戶(hù)許可協(xié)議(EULA)。
- Could not print the License Agreement to the default printer. 未能將許可協(xié)議打印到默認打印機。
- Read and accept the license agreement, then click Next. 閱讀并接受許可協(xié)議,然后點(diǎn)擊“下一步”。
- sole licensing agreement [法] 排他可證協(xié)議
- There are some guitars that are also made under a license agreement. 吉他,也有一些無(wú)照根據協(xié)議。
- Enclosed please find for your review a draft of the license agreement. 內附許可證協(xié)議草案一份,請過(guò)目。
- The Software License Agreement screen displays the product specific terms. Software License Agreement顯示了產(chǎn)品的特殊條款。
- Yes ACCEPT new license agreements? 回車(chē),選擇接受許可協(xié)議為?
- The license agreement appears when the user starts installing this service profile. The installation will not continue until the agreement is accepted. 許可協(xié)議在用戶(hù)開(kāi)始安裝此服務(wù)配置文件時(shí)出現。安裝只有在協(xié)議被接受后才會(huì )繼續。
- I'd like to know which kind of license agreement Coca-Cola prefers, the exclusive one or non-exclusive one? Why? 我想知道可口可樂(lè )會(huì )選擇哪種方式的許可協(xié)議,是獨占許可還是非獨占許可?為什么?
- Accept this agreement to use the software by selecting "I accept the terms in the License Agreement" and click Next. 通過(guò)選擇“我接受《許可協(xié)議》中的條款”接受此協(xié)議以使用軟件,然后單擊“下一步”。
- They chose to commute equity into license agreements. 他們選擇了將股權轉換成許可協(xié)議。
- Distributed under a licensing agreement with Spyglass, Inc. 公司的授權協(xié)議發(fā)布。
- Nero software may be transferred by end users only under very limited circumstances set forth in the license agreement. 最終用戶(hù)只在很有限的環(huán)境下(如許可協(xié)議中所述)可以傳輸Nero軟件。