- We must see clearly that our living standard cannot be separated from the living standards of society in general. 要弄清楚,我們的生活不能脫離社會(huì )的生活水準。
- Society in general and the economy in particular are in a constant state of flux. 一般來(lái)說(shuō),社會(huì ),尤其是經(jīng)濟總是處在不斷變化的狀態(tài)。
- Political economy,lastly,relates to the interests of all nations,to human society in general. 歸根到底,政治經(jīng)濟學(xué)所研究的是一切國家的利益,是全體人類(lèi)社會(huì )的利益。
- Certainly, heavy drinking and alcoholism deserve deep concern for the terrible toll they take on alcohol abusers and society in general. 當然,大量喝酒與酒精中毒值得高度重視,因為這對濫飲者與社會(huì )大眾都是個(gè)沉重的負擔。
- "Aramayo adds, "Even though we are doing basic research, the implications for society in general are broad. 他又補充說(shuō),“即使我們進(jìn)行的是基礎性的研究,但對整個(gè)社會(huì )的意義是重大的?!?/li>
- Lynas wrote:'Each time a potential "green hero" is shot down in flames, we all feel that little bit more cynical about politicians, leaders and society in general. 里那斯寫(xiě)道:“每當一個(gè)貼著(zhù)綠色標簽的英雄成為眾矢之的時(shí)候,我們每個(gè)人都感到對那些政治家、領(lǐng)導者,以及整個(gè)社會(huì )的憤世嫉俗。
- Greeks fed up with their pesky neighbours, old flames, the government, or society in general can find release in a new Internet site that posts e-curses for free. 對鄰居、舊情人、政府乃至整個(gè)社會(huì )感到不滿(mǎn)的希臘人現在可以登陸一家新開(kāi)設的專(zhuān)門(mén)網(wǎng)站免費發(fā)布“詛咒貼”,發(fā)泄自己的不滿(mǎn)情緒。
- Sacrificial giving or voluntary work is still not commonly practiced even among believers who are, like society in general, cynical and suspicious of acts of sacrifice. 自愿、無(wú)償的付出或義務(wù)工作,即使在基督徒當中也不普遍,一般而言,社會(huì )對自愿犧牲的人也抱持懷疑和嘲笑的態(tài)度。
- Throughout its Programs, it provides a service to society in general and to the business world in particular. Its rigorous and qualified teaching is based on sol... 整個(gè)程序,它提供了一個(gè)服務(wù)社會(huì )大眾,并在商業(yè)世界,特別是。其嚴格的和合格的教學(xué)是扎實(shí)的研究基礎上的問(wèn)題,影響企業(yè)在全球化的世界中。
- In general, people don't like to be made fun of. 大體上講,人們都不喜歡被捉弄。
- Personalities are not in good taste in general conversation. 在一般的談話(huà)中誹謗他人是不高尚的。
- Woman lives longer than man in general. 女性通常比男性長(cháng)壽。
- John is disillusioned with life in general. 約翰對整個(gè)生活失去了信心。
- She's disillusioned with life in general. 她對生活各方面均不抱幻想了。
- Abstract: The aim of any engineering design is to minimize the total cost of the structure without compromising the functional requirements while maximizing the utility of the structure to the users in particular and to the society in general. 摘要:所有工程設計的目的都是為了在不降低功能要求的同時(shí),以最小的結構總成本最大限度地實(shí)現用戶(hù)對結構利用的特殊要求及社會(huì )對結構使用的總要求。
- How do people in general look on her? 人們一般對她怎麼看?
- Though there is in them something that pertains only to Greek or Chinese societies per se, there must also be something more universal that pertains to society in general. 雖然它們之中有些東西是專(zhuān)門(mén)屬于希臘或中國社會(huì )本身的,但是也一定有些更為普遍的東西是屬于“社會(huì )一般”的。
- In general, I prefer a comedy to a tragedy. 一般說(shuō)來(lái),我喜歡喜劇甚於悲劇。
- Society in New England was thin. 新英格蘭的社會(huì )過(guò)于單調。
- Certain rude words are taboo in general conversation. 某些粗話(huà)在平常的交談中是忌用的。