- The hypothesis is that memory is socially constructed. 假說(shuō)是,記憶社會(huì )上被修建。
- Diagnosis can also sometimes be used to straightjacket patients into ill-defined and ill-fitting categories that lend a scientific appearance to socially constructed biases. 診斷有時(shí)也被用來(lái)把病人狹隘地歸入一些類(lèi)別,而這些歸類(lèi)可能是定義模糊而不恰當的,但卻使一些社會(huì )形成的偏見(jiàn)披上了科學(xué)的外衣。
- Intervention process is an ongoing socially constructed and negotiated process, not simply the execution of an already-specified plan of action with expected outcomes. 干預的過(guò)程是一個(gè)不斷進(jìn)行的社會(huì )構造與談判過(guò)程,而非簡(jiǎn)單的對現有計劃及其預期產(chǎn)出的執行過(guò)程。
- Finally, there still a few students refused to see gender inequity as socially constructed and remained fixated on individual reasons throughout the whole course period. 然而,不論學(xué)生的性別意識開(kāi)展與呈現的樣貌為何,抗拒、矛盾和掙扎的意圖和情感都曾在札記中出現。
- They are training themselves for the social construction. 他們正鍛煉自己,準備參加社會(huì )主義建設。
- The spheroid social construction may want to divide two 歩s. 球形社會(huì )的建設可能要分兩歩。
- We demonstrate the socially constructed nature of resource environments and the role of bricolage in this construction. 我們顯示了資源環(huán)境的社會(huì )結構本質(zhì),以及在利用現成資源這一結構中的作用。
- Trying to do something socially constructive, like being a role model, will make you seem overearnest and probably hurt your street credibility . 努力做一些于社會(huì )具有建設性的事情,比如成為人們的榜樣,將使你看起來(lái)過(guò)于正統,也許會(huì )有損你在追星族中的聲望。
- Joyce also, before feminist forerunners, displays that gender is a matter of personal choice and social construction. 早在女權主義先驅者之前,喬伊斯就指出性別是個(gè)人選擇和社會(huì )形成的綜合產(chǎn)物。
- As a saving social construction part, the building of a water-saving society is a long-term and great works. 摘要作為節約型社會(huì )建設一部分的節水型社會(huì )建設,是一項長(cháng)期而偉大的工程。
- In the new social construction, Jewry's status was degraded to that of Egyptians. 在這個(gè)新結構中,猶太人的地位被降低到埃及人的程度。
- These results indicate that such perceptions are social constructs,based on hearsay and prejudice. 這樣的結果表明,這些看法是建立在道聽(tīng)涂說(shuō)和先入之見(jiàn)基礎上的一些社會(huì )觀(guān)念。
- Nancy P Waxler. "Learning to be a leper: A Case Study in the Social Construction of Illness." 169-192. “學(xué)作一個(gè)麻風(fēng)病人:疾病社會(huì )架構的一個(gè)案例研究”,169-192頁(yè)
- Landscape is also a medium , he argues , that naturalizes cultural and social constructions. 景觀(guān)也是一種媒介,他辯稱(chēng),包括那些移植文化和社會(huì )建筑。
- Any social science which does not teach the impossibility of rational social construction is entirely blind to the most important facts of social life. 一種社會(huì )科學(xué)若沒(méi)有講授理性社會(huì )構想的不可能性,那就是完全沒(méi)有看到社會(huì )生活中最重要的事實(shí)。
- Achieve progress in the social construction of material, political and ideological infrastructures that are of a socialist nature. 實(shí)現社會(huì )主義物質(zhì)文明、政治文明和精神文明共同進(jìn)步。
- This view of biology and physiology as the effects of social construction came into sociology via the sociology of knowledge of Berger and Luckmann. 這種觀(guān)點(diǎn)視生物因素和生理因素為社會(huì )構建的效應,它是由伯杰和盧克曼的知識社會(huì )學(xué)而帶到社會(huì )學(xué)中來(lái)的。
- Norma Ware. "Suffering and the Social Construction of Illness: The Delegitimation of Illness Experience in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome." 347-361. 苦難和疾病社會(huì )學(xué):慢性疲勞癥候群中疾病體驗的弱化”,347-361頁(yè)
- As the main constructer of the harmonious society, the government must play a primary role in the harmonious social construction. 政府作為和諧社會(huì )的構建的主要承擔者,要在和諧社會(huì )構建中發(fā)揮著(zhù)重要的作用。
- Freedman, J. &Combs, G.. (1999/2001). Narrative therapy: the social construction of preferred realities. New York: Norton. 易之新(譯)。敘事治療----解構并重寫(xiě)生命的故事。臺北:張老師文化。