social origin的用法和樣例:
- In China the social roots of compromise are present,but the opponents of compromise are in the majority.
中國內部有妥協(xié)的社會(huì )根源,但是反對妥協(xié)的占大多數。 - Some critics have thought that it blinds men to the true nature of law and its roots in social life.
有論者認為這一區分使人對法律的本質(zhì)及其社會(huì )根源視而不見(jiàn)。
social origin的相關(guān)資料:
social man
social security in fishery area
Social Work in Long-Term Care
socialization of social welfare
social vulnerable groups on age
social and cultural environment
social physical education major
socialization of urban services
social well-adaptive behavior
social physical training guides
Social - fame - institution