- If the demand for corn were very price-sensitive, a relatively small increase in price would reduce global demand by enough to offset the initial rise in demand. 如果玉米需求對價(jià)格變化非常敏感,那么很小的價(jià)格上漲就會(huì )引起全球需求下降足夠的幅度,從而抵消當初的需求增長(cháng)。
- They postulate excessive increase in price. 他們把物價(jià)過(guò)度增長(cháng)視為當然。
- They postulate excessive increase in price . 他們把物價(jià)過(guò)度增長(cháng)視為當然。
- The increase in petroleum imports reflected a jump in price. 石油進(jìn)口量增長(cháng)表現為石油價(jià)格的上漲。
- Fuel supplies are depressed because of the oil's increase in price. 燃料供應因為原油價(jià)格上漲減少了。
- The increase in prices is beyond control. 物價(jià)上漲已失去了控制。
- However, in the long run, the economy eventually settles at a new long-run equilibrium with a small increase in GDP and a much higher price level. 然而,從長(cháng)遠來(lái)看,經(jīng)濟最終還是會(huì )定位在新的長(cháng)期平衡中,附帶著(zhù)GDP的些微上升以及更高的物價(jià)水平。
- Petrol has increased in price or the price of petrol has increased. 汽油漲價(jià)了。
- If costs go up, there will be a pro rata increase in prices. 如果成本增加,價(jià)格就會(huì )相應上漲。
- The percentage of the pay raise equals the increase in prices. 薪水的提高比率和物價(jià)的上升一致。
- We did not provide for such a great increase in prices. 我們沒(méi)有想到價(jià)格的增幅會(huì )這么大,所以沒(méi)有充分的準備。
- Egypt raises bread subsidies to support an increase in prices. 埃及提高對面包的津貼以應付價(jià)格上揚的趨勢。
- The workers only asked for a small increase in pay,but the boss just slammed the door in their faces. 工人們只要求增加少量工資,可老板對他們卻拒而不見(jiàn)。
- The barely noticeable but persistent increase in prices. 物價(jià)不斷上漲,但因漲幅很小而不為人注意。
- The workers only asked for a small increase in pay, but the boss just slammed the door in their faces. 工人們只要求增加少量工資,可老板對他們卻拒而不見(jiàn)。
- The workers only asked for a small increase in pay, but the employers just slammed the door in their faces. 工人們只是要求增加少量工資,便老板們就是拒絕同他們談判。
- The workers only asked fro a small increase in pay, but the employers just slammed the door in their faces. 工人們只是要求增加少許工資,可是老板采取的卻是關(guān)門(mén)的態(tài)度。
- The increase in price is proportional to the improvement in the car. 在小車(chē)方面,價(jià)格的增加相應比例提高了性能。
- Lower oilseed production in the United States will be partly offset by a small increase in foreign production. 美國油籽產(chǎn)量的下降將在一定程度上被國外產(chǎn)量的小幅上升所抵消。
- Unlike the other studies, this type of variants is common but confers only a small increase in risk. 與其他研究不同,這種變異類(lèi)型較為多發(fā)但引起的患病風(fēng)險上升較小。