
[sm??l]     [sm??l]    
  • adj. 小的;年幼的;少的;不重要的;小氣的
  • adv. 小地;小塊地;小聲地
  • n. 狹小部分;(pl.)零星物品;(pl.)小件衣服
smallish smaller smallest smallness



adj. (形容詞)
  1. 小的,極小的
  2. 小規模的,小型的,小號的
  3. 些微的,瑣細的
  4. 幼小的,年幼的
  5. 不重要的
  6. 小寫(xiě)的
  7. 卑劣的
  8. 小心眼兒的
  9. 不多的,少的
  10. 為情況不太壞而慶幸
  11. 顯得矮人一截,愧不如人
  12. 吝嗇的
adv. (副詞)
  1. 小小地,細小地
  2. 小聲地
  3. (成為)小塊地
  4. 輕輕地
  5. 小氣地
  6. 卑鄙地,輕蔑地
  7. 小規模地,小型地
  8. 些微地
n. (名詞)
  1. 后腰,腰部
  2. 小件衣服,小件物品
  3. 細小部分,狹小部分
  4. 小物,小東西,瑣碎東西,零星物品
  5. 身分低的人
  6. 兒童,矮小的人
  7. 幼小的動(dòng)物
  8. 內衣褲,短褲
v. (動(dòng)詞)
  1. (使)變小


adj. (形容詞)
  1. 小的,少的 not large in size, degree, number, value, etc.
  2. [A] 年幼的,幼小的 young
  3. [A] 小規模的,小范圍的 not doing things on a large scale
  4. 不重要的,微不足道的,微小的 unimportant; trivial; slight
  5. [A] 小氣的,心胸狹窄的 having a mean and petty attitude


  1. the slender part of the back

  2. a garment size for a small person

  1. limited or below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extent;

    "a little dining room"
    "a little house"
    "a small car"
    "a little (or small) group"

  2. limited in size or scope;

    "a small business"
    "a newspaper with a modest circulation"
    "small-scale plans"
    "a pocket-size country"

  3. (of children and animals) young, immature;

    "what a big little boy you are"
    "small children"

  4. slight or limited; especially in degree or intensity or scope;

    "a series of death struggles with small time in between"

  5. low or inferior in station or quality;

    "a humble cottage"
    "a lowly parish priest"
    "a modest man of the people"
    "small beginnings"

  6. lowercase;

    "little a"
    "small a"
    "e.e.cummings's poetry is written all in minuscule letters"

  7. (of a voice) faint;

    "a little voice"
    "a still small voice"

  8. have fine or very small constituent particles;

    "a small misty rain"

  9. not large but sufficient in size or amount;

    "a modest salary"
    "modest inflation"
    "helped in my own small way"

  10. made to seem smaller or less (especially in worth);

    "her comments made me feel small"

  1. on a small scale;

    "think small"



用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. This coat is too small for me.
  2. I need to buy a small transistor radio.
  3. The penalty clause was hidden in the small print.
  4. She was born in Dominica in the Caribbean and came to Britain as a small child.
  5. I can't get by on such a small salary.
  6. His words had a small part in her decision making.
  7. He played a small part in the play.
  8. It's such a small point that it's hardly worth talking about.
  9. Many black slaves were flogged to death for quite a small fault.
  10. It is small of her to wish for payment.
    她還希望得到報酬, 真小氣。
用作副詞 (adv.)
  1. He writes so small I can't read it.
  2. He came in,and spoke small to his hatchet men.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. He felt a sharp pain in the small of his back.


用作形容詞 (adj.)
a small fortune
    許多錢(qián) a lot of money
(be) grateful〔thankful〕 for small mercies
    慶幸已很糟糕的情況并未更糟 relieved that a bad situation is not worse
great and small
    貧富強弱,貴賤高低等 rich and poor, powerful and weak, etc.
in a small way
    小規模 on a small scale
it's a small world
    世界可真小 one is likely to meet, or hear about, one knows however distantly wherever one goes
look〔feel〕 small
    感到羞愧 be humiliated
small beer
    重要性或價(jià)值不大的人或事物 person or thing of no great importance or value
small fry〔potatoes〕
    (被認為)不重要的人或事物 people or thing thought to be unimportant
small talk
    閑談,聊天 light conversation on unimportant or non-serious subjects
small wonder
    不太出奇 it is hardly surprising
the small hours
    午夜剛過(guò)的一段時(shí)間 period of time soon after midnight
the small print
    法律文件、契約等中常用小號字體印刷的部分 the parts of a legal document, contract, etc. which are often printed in a small type and contain important details that are easy to overlook
the still small voice
    良心的呼喚,是非感 a person's sense of right and wrong


用作形容詞 (adj.)
~+名詞 副詞+~ ~+介詞


  • Like an hour-glass, exceedingly small in the waist.

    出自: T. Moore
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