- Our arrival time is contingent on the weather. 我們的抵達時(shí)間取決于天氣情況。
- His estimation of their arrival time is not far off. 他對他們到達時(shí)間的估計基本準確。
- His estimation of their arrival time was not far off. 他對他們到達時(shí)間的估計基本準確。
- hospital arrival time 到達醫院時(shí)間
- Our arrival time is contingenton the weather. 我們的抵達時(shí)間取決于天氣情況。
- Do you know their flight number and arrival time? 您曉得他們的班機號碼和抵達時(shí)間嗎?
- What is the arrival time in Honolulu? 是,就是這里。抵達檀香山是幾點(diǎn)?
- What is the arrival time in Washington D.C? 何時(shí)到達首府華盛頓?
- He wired them his flight number and arrival time. 他打電報通知他們自己所乘的航班和到達時(shí)間。
- Arrival time Tokyo is 00 a.m. of May 6. 東京時(shí)間5月6日早上00。
- Please inform me of your arrival time beforehand. 請事先通知我你抵達的時(shí)間。
- How about the arrival time in Honolulu? 抵達檀香山的時(shí)間是幾點(diǎn)?
- I couldn't tell you an exectly arrival time. 我不能肯定地告訴你我什么時(shí)候來(lái)。
- Thanks for hospitality arrival safely inform friend regard. 感謝盛情款待,已安全到達并轉告關(guān)心此事的朋友。
- The time of arrival or the arrival time is indicated on the screen. 屏幕上顯示出到達時(shí)間。
- Conclusions: Early hospital arrival improved the clinical outcome in ischemic stroke patients but not in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage. 結論:發(fā)病后早期入院,能改善腦梗塞患者的臨床預后,但在腦出血患者中并未見(jiàn)相似結果。
- What about the arrival time of 10 a. m. Flight to Mexico City? 10點(diǎn)鐘去墨西哥城的飛機什么時(shí)候能到達呢?
- Would you please tell me the arrival time of Flight CX 721 today? 請告訴我國泰721航班的到達時(shí)間好嗎?
- By the next morning Amelia's arrival time came and went. 第二天早晨,艾米麗雅到達的時(shí)間反反復復。
- Please inform us of your travel plans, i.e. arrival time, carrier, etc. 請告知我們你的旅行計劃,也就是到達時(shí)刻、航空公司等等。