- A simple analytic expression of conversion efficiency was obtained by using a modulation function to describe an aperiodic QPM gratings. 應用調制函數的概念描述了引入相移后的QPM光柵,得到一個(gè)比較簡(jiǎn)單的計算轉換效率的解析運算式。
- With the only experimental datum,how to describe it correctly by applying a simple analytic formula under the complex relationship between unknown function and known function in the essay. 只有實(shí)驗數據在未知函數關(guān)系或已知函數關(guān)系較為復雜的情況下,怎樣用一個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單的解析式來(lái)較為準確地描述它。
- The analytic function of GIS and the cartographic function of Computer assisted cartography (CAC) are two aspects of geographic spatial data application. 地理信息系統(GIS)的地學(xué)分析與計算機地圖制圖(CAC)是地理空間數據應用不可分割的兩個(gè)方面。
- The Syntax of analytic functions is rather straightforward in appearance. 分析函數的句法非常簡(jiǎn)單。
- An anisotropic intermolecular potential of the HeNO complex has been obtained by utilizing the Huxley analytic function to fit the intermolecular energy data,which have been calculated at the theoretical level of the RCCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ+bf. 首先用Huxley勢函數擬合在RCCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ+bf理論水平下計算的He-NO相互作用能數據,從而得到了He原子與NO分子相互作用各向異性勢;
- For example, the function of local and alterable scanning in R3763B function and user define an analytic function very useful on product line, also rose to measure ability significantly. 例如,R3763B性能中的全數可變掃描性能和用戶(hù)界說(shuō)塊分析性能在出產(chǎn)線(xiàn)上很是有效,也顯著(zhù)地進(jìn)步了測量能力。
- This paper proposes a novel method to obtain a simple analytical solution to extrapolation problem for band-limited signals, which is much easier than prolate spherical wave function expansion method. 本文給出能量有限帶限信號外推問(wèn)題新的解析解,它比長(cháng)球波函數展開(kāi)法更為簡(jiǎn)單。
- The procedure described above for obtaining the gain defies simple analytical approaches. 上述求得增益的步驟通過(guò)簡(jiǎn)單的解析方式是難以達到的。
- Prior to having access to these analytic functions, questions of this nature were extremely difficult to answer. 在未使用這些分析函數之前,很難對此類(lèi)問(wèn)題做出回答。
- Maximum modulus principle plays an important role in the complex analytics, and it is a powerful tool in studying the analytic function. 摘要最大模原理在復變函數論中占有重要的地位,是研究解析函數的有力工具。
- Application of analytic functions in CAGD (Computer Aided Geometric Design) is a new area of Computer Graphics. 解析函數在計算機輔助幾何設計中的應用是計算機圖形學(xué)中新的問(wèn)題之一。
- A simple analytical system for measuring mass of exhaust gas of motor vehicles under working condition. 一種簡(jiǎn)易工況法機動(dòng)車(chē)排放質(zhì)量分析系統。
- An extension form of Liouville's theorem about analytic functions for general harmonic functions is proved. 證明復變函數中的劉維爾定理在調和函數中的一種推廣。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 簡(jiǎn)單的試驗就能證明這是否是真金。
- boundary property of analytic function 解析函數邊界性質(zhì)
- Then a simple analytical formula is obtained, which expresses the constitutive relation between polarization P and loading electric field E of ferroelectric materials. 由此推出一個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單的解析表達式,表達了鐵電材料極化強度P與外電場(chǎng)E的本構關(guān)系。
- It is known that the Keldych-Sedov formula gives the representation of solutions of the mixed boundary value problem for analytic functions in the upper half-plane[1] the authors. 凱爾提什-謝多夫公式給出了上半平面內解析函數混合邊值問(wèn)題解的表示式。
- Boundary value problems for analytic functions is an important branch of theory for complex variable functions and extensively applying in mechanics,physics, and engineering etc. 解析函數邊值問(wèn)題是復變函數論中的一個(gè)重要分支,在力學(xué)、物理學(xué)、工程技術(shù)中有著(zhù)十分廣泛的應用。
- Sheaf of germs of analytic function 解析函數的芽層
- As there are anisotropy in the media surrounding the sonde,the stress coefficients may be fitted with the analytical function of the ellipsoid. 探頭周?chē)橘|(zhì)若非各向同性時(shí),應力系數可用橢圓的解析式擬合。