- Shortcomings and mistakes must be overcome. 缺點(diǎn)和錯誤必須克服。
- They have got over their shortcomings and mistakes in their work. 他們已經(jīng)克服了工作中的缺點(diǎn)和錯誤。
- We have confidence in our ability to rectify our shortcomings and mistakes by ourselves and do a good job. 我們相信,我們自己是能夠克服缺點(diǎn),改正錯誤,把事情搞好的。
- Our achievements are the main thing in this basketball match,yet there are a few shortcomings and mistakes. 在這場(chǎng)比賽中,成績(jì)是主要的,但還有缺點(diǎn)和錯誤。
- A person with truly good intentions must criticize the shortcomings and mistakes in his own work with the utmost candour and resolve to correct them. 真正的好心,必須對于自己工作的缺點(diǎn)錯誤有完全誠意的自我批評,決心改正這些缺點(diǎn)錯誤。
- Shortcomings and mistakes should be seriously criticized,but we must never paint a picture that is all black. 缺點(diǎn)、錯誤要進(jìn)行嚴肅的批評,但決不能說(shuō)得一團漆黑。
- Shortcomings and mistakes should be seriously criticized, but we must never paint a picture that is all black. 缺點(diǎn)、錯誤要進(jìn)行嚴肅的批評,但決不能說(shuō)得一團漆黑。
- As for their shortcomings and mistakes,these are matters for education and assistance,to be overcome through criticism and self-criticism. 至于他們身上還存在著(zhù)的缺點(diǎn)錯誤,那是教育、幫助的問(wèn)題,要用批評和自我批評的方法來(lái)解決。
- What matters most is whether they are ready to criticize their shortcomings and mistakes,allow other to do so,accept criticism and act accordingly. 問(wèn)題在于對自己的缺點(diǎn)和錯誤,有沒(méi)有自我批評的精神,讓不讓別人批評,聽(tīng)了正確的批評能不能接受和照辦。
- As for their shortcomings and mistakes, these are matters for education and assistance, to be overcome through criticism and self-criticism. 至于他們身上還存在著(zhù)的缺點(diǎn)錯誤,那是教育、幫助的問(wèn)題,要用批評和自我批評的方法來(lái)解決。
- What matters most is whether they are ready to criticize their shortcomings and mistakes, allow other to do so, accept criticism and act accordingly. 問(wèn)題在于對自己的缺點(diǎn)和錯誤,有沒(méi)有自我批評的精神,讓不讓別人批評,聽(tīng)了正確的批評能不能接受和照辦。
- We should not be ready to see a snake in every rope just because we have discovered shortcomings and mistakes in our work. 好像我們在工作中有了那么一些缺點(diǎn),犯了那么一些錯誤,就看到繩子都是蛇了。
- Of course Party members are entitled to criticize shortcomings and mistakes in Party work, but the criticism should be constructive and should include suggestions for improvement. 對黨的工作中的缺點(diǎn)和錯誤,黨員當然有權利進(jìn)行批評,但是這種批評應該是建設性的批評,應該提出積極的改進(jìn)意見(jiàn)。
- Often one to shirk personal accountability, Argente was more than willing to blame others for his shortcomings and mistakes. 阿金特是一個(gè)經(jīng)常逃避個(gè)人責任的人,他更愿意把自己的缺點(diǎn)和錯誤歸咎于他人。
- Of course Party members are entitled to criticize shortcomings and mistakes in Party work,but the criticism should be constructive and should include suggestions for improvement. 對黨的工作中的缺點(diǎn)和錯誤,黨員當然有權利進(jìn)行批評,但是這種批評應該是建設性的批評,應該提出積極的改進(jìn)意見(jiàn)。
- To earnestly engage in criticism and self-criticism, boldly expose and correct shortcomings and mistakes in work and resolutely combat corruption and other negative phenomena. (六)切實(shí)開(kāi)展批評和自我批評,勇于揭露和糾正工作中的缺點(diǎn)、錯誤,堅決同消極腐敗現象作斗爭。
- To earnestly engage in criticism and self-criticism, boldly expose and correct shortcomings and mistakes in work and resolutely combat corruption and other malpractices. (六)切實(shí)開(kāi)展批評和自我批評,勇于揭露和糾正工作中的缺點(diǎn)、錯誤,堅決同消極腐敗現象作斗爭。
- Without doubt this provision in the draft will help stimulate the political enthusiasm of all Party members,promote inner-Party criticism and facilitate the exposure and elimination of shortcomings and mistakes in Party work. 黨章草案的這個(gè)規定,無(wú)疑地將要提高全體黨員的政治積極性,幫助黨內批評的開(kāi)展,促進(jìn)黨的工作中缺點(diǎn)和錯誤的揭露和消除。
- The practice of assigning excessively heavy tasks,demanding their speedy fulfilment and launching inordinately ambitious development projects has impaired many of our fine traditions,which in turn has aggravated the shortcomings and mistakes in our work. 指標過(guò)高,要求過(guò)急,還有一些不適當的“大辦”,這就使得我們的許多好傳統受到了沖擊。而許多好的傳統的削弱,又反過(guò)來(lái)加重了工作中的缺點(diǎn)和錯誤。