- The sorption behaviors of actinides and long lived fission products on rock and minerals arestudied by a micrographic method based on autoradiograpy techneque. 應用自射線(xiàn)照相和巖相照相技術(shù)聯(lián)合圖象法研究了錒系元素和長(cháng)壽命裂變產(chǎn)物在巖石和礦物上的吸附行為,直接觀(guān)察到不同礦物和化學(xué)成份對核素的吸附。
- His sufferance of fools was short lived. 對于蠢人蠢事他是容忍不下去的。
- This union is usually hot, heavy and short lived. 你們的結合通常深厚刺激但卻很短命。
- Fleischl's temporary improvement on taking cocaine was short lived. 弗雷氏服用可卡因的短期效益沒(méi)有持續多久。
- The fission products formed are highly radioactive. 所生成的裂變產(chǎn)物具有很強的放射性。
- This was a danger sign, but short lived and again I would be hurtled down into the abyss, feeling like I must end this life as I had come to know it. 這是個(gè)危險的信號,但僅僅是暫時(shí)的,不久我便俯沖進(jìn)深淵了,感覺(jué)起來(lái)我必須終結此生,就如我已然知道的。
- His group organized lectures and published a short lived monthly. 他的小組組織過(guò)講座,還一度出版過(guò)一種的月刊。
- Under nuclear power station accident conditions,fission product iodine orits compounds can be released and most of them can be converted to organiciodide,mainly methyl iodide. 在核電站運行事故條件下,會(huì )釋放裂變產(chǎn)物碘或碘的化合物,其中相當份額轉化為有機碘,主要是甲基碘。
- Single light purple/darker center; 1-4 per peduncle, very short lived. 單瓣亮深紫色花,花中較深色,每個(gè)花梗有1-4朵花,花期非常短。
- On the other hand, analyses of 85 Kr, a fission product of uranium-235 and plutonium-239, can serve as a means to help verify compliance with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. 另一方面;氪-85是鈾-235和釙-239的核裂變產(chǎn)物.;對氪-85的同位素含量測定可以用于監督國際核公約的執行情況
- This peace would be short lived, for to the north a new conflict was brewing. 但是,北半球新興的沖突將這個(gè)?;饏f(xié)議扼殺于襁褓之中。
- According to computing,the total absorbed doseof 10~8 rad is corresponding to that of bituminized product containing 1Ci aged fission product per liter stored for 1000 years. 根據計算,總吸收劑量為1×10~8拉德時(shí)相當于1居里/升的瀝青固化產(chǎn)品貯存1000年的總吸收劑量。
- Fleischl’s temporary improvement on taking cocaine was short lived. 弗雷氏服用可卡因的短期效益沒(méi)有持續多久。
- Fleischl%26rsquo;s temporary improvement on taking cocaine was short lived. 弗雷氏服用可卡因的短期效益沒(méi)有持續多久。
- The black material is considered as carbon deposition,which is formed by oily-liquid medium fission product(mainly carbon black) covering inside crack during the discharge process of pulse current. 認為這些黑色覆蓋物為脈沖電流在放電過(guò)程中,油性液體介質(zhì)裂變產(chǎn)物(主要為碳黑)涂覆在裂紋內部形成的積碳。
- Departing the world of soapy intrigue after the 1984 season,Ryan relocated to Los Angeles to film the short lived series Wildside. 1984年,她拋開(kāi)處于低谷的肥皂劇,瑞恩來(lái)到洛杉磯拍攝曇花一現的連續劇《野性》。
- Activation analysis and non-radiometric method have been used to measure long-lived fission product nuclides.Their sensitivity is superior to that of traditional radiochemical analysis. 活化分析以及非放射的儀器分析方法被用來(lái)測量長(cháng)壽命裂變產(chǎn)物核素,其分析靈敏度優(yōu)于傳統的放化分析法。
- With little inflation and strong growth overseas, this recession should be short lived. 當通貨膨脹率很低,并且海外投資發(fā)展穩健時(shí),衰退的持續時(shí)間更低。
- In this paper, the air contamination of fission products inside the Fast Burst Reactor hall have been studied. 本文研究了快中子脈沖反應堆大廳內空氣中裂變產(chǎn)物的污染問(wèn)題。
- But his reign was short lived, lasting only nine games before he resigned due to problems in the boardroom. 但是,他的執教是短暫的,在執教了僅僅九場(chǎng)比賽后,由于會(huì )議室問(wèn)題,他公布辭職。