- Hong Kong's Service Level is Deteriorating! 香港的服務(wù)水平正在惡化!
- Strive to improve the service level of development. 努力提高服務(wù)業(yè)發(fā)展水平。
- EDB system was designed by module and hierarchy. According the level of operation, the system can be divided by Interface Layer, Engine Layer-. Access Layer, Service Layer and Store Layer. EDB系統采取了模塊化和層次化的設計方式,根據操作的層次具體可分為接口處理層(Interface Layer)、數據庫引擎層(Engine Layer)、數據存取層(Access Layer)、數據庫維護層(Service Layer)和數據存儲層(Store Layer)。
- Life-cycle management and enforcement of service level agreements. 全過(guò)程的管理,業(yè)務(wù)級別的協(xié)議管理。
- Enhancing product offering and service level for CHN market. 提高中文市場(chǎng)產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)的質(zhì)量。
- What is the consequence of raising my service level? 提高服務(wù)水準的結果是什么?
- This unifying service layer represents a novel mechanism by which application developers interact with core grid components. 這個(gè)統一的服務(wù)層提供了一種新的機制,應用程序開(kāi)發(fā)人員可以使用這種機制與核心的網(wǎng)格組件進(jìn)行交互。
- Binding can be specified either on the service level or on the method level. Binding可用來(lái)定義服務(wù)層或方法層。
- Are all service level methods in separate classes (utility classes)? 看服務(wù)級的方法是否被劃分成小方法(功能類(lèi))
- One way to do this is to provide an additional Web service layer that filters out forbidden Web service requests and supplies logging and security constraints. 一種方法是提供另外的Web服務(wù)層,過(guò)濾掉禁用的Web服務(wù)請求,并提供登錄和安全約束。
- Monitor vendors' service level, and supply chain point to point OTD measure. 衡量采購過(guò)程中各個(gè)環(huán)節的服務(wù)水平和績(jì)效。
- The Resource and Admission Control Subsystem (RACS) through enforcing admission control decisions hides details of the transport layer from the service layer. 通過(guò)實(shí)行資源接納控制,資源接納控制子系統(RACS)向上向業(yè)務(wù)層屏蔽傳送網(wǎng)絡(luò )的具體細節,支持業(yè)務(wù)控制與傳送功能相分離;
- The client runtime library is divided into three layers: communication layer, service layer and API layer. ONet客戶(hù)端運行時(shí)庫分為三個(gè)層次:網(wǎng)絡(luò )通訊層、內部服務(wù)層和應用程序接口層。
- Skytrain SkyTrain service is operatingat normal service levels. 加拿大稱(chēng)地鐵為Skytrain.;以下是其簡(jiǎn)介。
- Perhaps this would even include Tool/IDE services layer allowing developers to create a VBA-like experience. 或許,它甚至會(huì )包含工具/IDE服務(wù)層,以允許開(kāi)發(fā)人員創(chuàng )建一個(gè)類(lèi)似VBA的東西出來(lái)。
- Monitor real-time service level and work with strategic planning to determine the optimum staffing plan. 監控實(shí)時(shí)的服務(wù)水平,并可在戰略計劃下適時(shí)安排員工工作方案。
- Service accessing style, applying with secure and open API (application programming interface), is becoming the necessary trend of the development of NGN(next generation network) service layer. 支持采用安全的、開(kāi)放式API(應用編程接口)的業(yè)務(wù)訪(fǎng)問(wèn)方式是下一代網(wǎng)絡(luò )業(yè)務(wù)層發(fā)展的必然趨勢.
- Manage service level agreements (SLAs) so you can hold your provider to a contracted standard of performance. 管理服務(wù)等級協(xié)議(SLA),這樣您就可以根據協(xié)定的性能標準監督提供商。
- The Web services layer, with its OGSI extensions, provide a base infrastructure for the next layer - architected grid services. Web服務(wù)層及其OGSI擴展為下一層提供了基礎設施:基于架構的網(wǎng)格服務(wù)。
- The existing 84-metre overrun tunnel for the Airport Railway is acceptable for the current service level. 現有84米長(cháng)的掉頭隧道僅勉強可應付現時(shí)的服務(wù)需求。