
[s??v]     [s??rv]    
  • v. 服務(wù);侍候;擔任;可作 ... 用;度過(guò);對待
  • n. 發(fā)球
served served serving serves



v. (動(dòng)詞)
  1. 服務(wù),招待,接待,為...服務(wù)
  2. 供應,提供
  3. 侍候,服侍,侍應
  4. 對待
  5. 適合,適用,適宜
  6. 【律】送達
  7. 幫傭
  8. 足夠,作為足夠
  9. 發(fā)球
  10. 服役,供職,為...服役,任(職)
  11. 為...盡力
  12. 有用,合用,可作...用,對...有用,供...使用,能滿(mǎn)足…的需要
  13. 端菜,斟酒,上酒,端上
  14. 服(刑)
  15. (食物的量)夠...吃
n. (名詞)
  1. (網(wǎng)球等運動(dòng)項目)發(fā)球(權)
  2. 【網(wǎng)球】開(kāi)球
  3. 服務(wù)
  4. 干活


v. (動(dòng)詞)
  1. vt. & vi. (為…)服務(wù),任(職) do work (for); give service (to)
  2. vt. 向…供應 provide with sth necessary or useful
  3. vt. & vi. 提供,端上 offer (food, drinks, a meal, etc.) for eating and drinking
  4. vt. 度過(guò)(某段時(shí)間) pass and complete (a period of time)
  5. vt. & vi. 符合,適用 be good enough for or suitable for (a purpose)
  6. vt. & vi. 發(fā)(球),開(kāi)(球) begin play by hitting (the ball) to the opponent


  1. (sports) a stroke that puts the ball in play;

    "his powerful serves won the game"

  1. serve a purpose, role, or function;

    "The tree stump serves as a table"
    "The female students served as a control group"
    "This table would serve very well"
    "His freedom served him well"
    "The table functions as a desk"

  2. do duty or hold offices; serve in a specific function;

    "He served as head of the department for three years"
    "She served in Congress for two terms"

  3. contribute or conduce to;

    "The scandal served to increase his popularity"

  4. be used by; as of a utility;

    "The sewage plant served the neighboring communities"
    "The garage served to shelter his horses"

  5. help to some food; help with food or drink;

    "I served him three times, and after that he helped himself"

  6. provide (usually but not necessarily food);

    "We serve meals for the homeless"
    "She dished out the soup at 8 P.M."
    "The entertainers served up a lively show"

  7. devote (part of) one's life or efforts to, as of countries, institutions, or ideas;

    "She served the art of music"
    "He served the church"
    "serve the country"

  8. promote, benefit, or be useful or beneficial to;

    "Art serves commerce"
    "Their interests are served"
    "The lake serves recreation"
    "The President's wisdom has served the country well"

  9. spend time in prison or in a labor camp;

    "He did six years for embezzlement"

  10. work for or be a servant to;

    "May I serve you?"
    "She attends the old lady in the wheelchair"
    "Can you wait on our table, please?"
    "Is a salesperson assisting you?"
    "The minister served the King for many years"

  11. deliver a warrant or summons to someone;

    "He was processed by the sheriff"

  12. be sufficient; be adequate, either in quality or quantity;

    "A few words would answer"
    "This car suits my purpose well"
    "Will $100 do?"
    "A 'B' grade doesn't suffice to get me into medical school"
    "Nothing else will serve"

  13. do military service;

    "She served in Vietnam"
    "My sons never served, because they are short-sighted"

  14. mate with;

    "male animals serve the females for breeding purposes"

  15. put the ball into play;

    "It was Agassi's turn to serve"



用作動(dòng)詞 (v.)
  1. We must serve the people heart and soul.
  2. The waiter is serving another customer.
  3. He served as a naval officer during the war.
  4. The large box in his room can serve as a desk too.
  5. He served four terms in Congress.
    他在國會(huì )任職四屆。
  6. They have served me shamefully.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Whose serve is it now?


用作動(dòng)詞 (v.)
serve as (v.+prep.)
    充當,擔任 perform; act as
    serve as sb/sth

    The dictionary may serve as a pillow.


    A large wooden box served as our table.


    This serves as witness to the militant friendship between the two peoples.


    Trade should not serve as a means of economic plunder.


    This fact will serve as an illustration to show the importance of technical innovation.


serve for (v.+prep.)
    代替 stand for; take the place of
    serve for sth

    The box will serve for a seat.


    serve for v-ing

    Many of these underground shelters are now serving for growing mushroom.


    The disguise may serve for deceiving the enemy.


serve in (v.+prep.)
    在…任職 take a post in
    serve in sth

    My uncle served in the 6th Army during World War II.


    It will indeed be an honour to serve in your government.


    Dr. Norman Bethune served in China during the War of Resistance Against Japan.


serve on (v.+prep.)
    在…任職 be a member of
    serve on sb/sth

    I've been asked to serve on yet another committee, and I really don't have the time.

    我被邀請擔任另一個(gè)委員會(huì )的委員,可是我確實(shí)沒(méi)有時(shí)間。

    I once served on a jury, so I know how the law works.


serve out (v.+adv.)
    做到期滿(mǎn) serve to the end
    serve sth ? out

    You can help to serve out the vegetables, while I cut the meat.


    He has been ordered to serve out rations to soldiers.


    serve sb out

    We will serve them out for the trick that they played on us.


    He has injured me times without number, and now I am going to serve him out.


    serve out sth

    The president will serve out his full period of office and then leave owing to bad health.

    因身體不好,這位校長(cháng)任期滿(mǎn)后會(huì )離職。

    The thief served out his two years in prison.


serve up (v.+adv.)
    提供,發(fā)送 provide, deliverShe served up the usual excuses for being late.她端出了老一套的遲到的借口。
serve with (v.+prep.)
    與…在一起服役 perform military duties together with
    serve sb with sth

    Shall I serve you with vegetables, or would you rather help yourself?


    They also served the customers with western food.


    We are well served with gas in this town.


    He was served with beer and cakes.


    serve with sb

    He served with John during World War II.



用作動(dòng)詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • It was a nice serve, flat and low.

    出自: Martin Walker
  • He had been carried serve as a slave.

    出自: S. T. Warner
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