- Thereafter, he was admitted to the hospital seven more times due to septic arthritis, and underwent debridement, sequestrectomy and right above-knee amputation. 之后,病人陸續因兩膝敗血性關(guān)節炎前后住了七次院,并接受擴創(chuàng )術(shù)、工關(guān)節取出術(shù)、骨切除術(shù)、生素置入術(shù)、右膝上截肢術(shù)等。
- In contrast, self-rated assessment demonstrated clinical deterioration of the surgical results within the first 2 years after microdiscectomy, while they rather improved after sequestrectomy. 然而,自我評價(jià)表明顯微間盤(pán)切除術(shù)后最初2年內臨床療效惡化,而死骨切除術(shù)臨床療效確有進(jìn)一步的改善。
- Sequestrectomy of bone of humerus 肱骨死骨切除術(shù)
- Sequestrectomy of bone of radius 橈骨死骨切除術(shù)
- Sequestrectomy of carpals or metacarpals 腕骨或掌骨死骨切除術(shù)
- Sequestrectomy of humeral head to surgical neck 肱骨頭至外科頸死骨切除術(shù)
- Sequestrectomy of olecranon process 鷹咀突死骨切除術(shù)
- Sequestrectomy of phalanges of foot 足趾骨死骨切除術(shù)
- Sequestrectomy of phalanges of hand 手指骨死骨切除術(shù)
- Sequestrectomy of radial head or neck 橈骨頭或頸死骨切除術(shù)
- Sequestrectomy of shaft or distal humerus 肱骨干或遠側肱骨死骨切除術(shù)
- Sequestrectomy of tarsals or metatarsals 跗骨和跖骨死骨切除術(shù)
- Sequestrectomy of tibia and fibula 脛骨和腓骨死骨切除術(shù)
- sequestrotomyn. 死骨切除(術(shù))
- Sequestrectomy of bone of ulna 尺骨死骨切除術(shù)
- sequestrectomyn. 死骨切除(術(shù))
- cranial sequestrectomy 顱骨死骨摘除術(shù)
- Sequestrectomy of bone of nose 鼻骨死骨切除術(shù)
- Sequestrectomy of bone of skull 顱骨死骨切除術(shù)
- Sequestrectomy of clavicle 鎖骨死骨切除術(shù)