- Through the network is possible to send short messages to mobile phones. 網(wǎng)絡(luò )可能把短的信息發(fā)送到移動(dòng)電話(huà)。
- It can do all the things a computer can do.You can go on the internet.It can send short messages and e-mails.It can be used as a fax machine. 電腦能做的事它都能做,可以上網(wǎng),發(fā)短信息,發(fā)電子郵件,還可以當傳真機用。
- What attracts her is that, besides the functions of a common phone, this type of feature phone can also send short messages on line. 這款特色電話(huà)除了具有普通電話(huà)機的功能外,還能上網(wǎng)發(fā)送短消息,這一點(diǎn)讓她深感興趣。
- The ban is welcomed by many teachers as many students send short messages under their desks or use the cameras on their cell phone to take photos during class. 這一禁令贏(yíng)得了眾多中小學(xué)教師的支持,因為目前普遍存在著(zhù)學(xué)生上課不聽(tīng)講,低頭發(fā)短信或抬頭用手機拍照的現象。
- Send Short Message Service (SMS) text messages from Office Outlook 2007 to any mobile phone, including your own. 可以從Office Outlook 2007向任何移動(dòng)電話(huà)(包括您自己的移動(dòng)電話(huà))發(fā)送短信。
- PPC simple infrared communication, the code through the PDA and cell phone infrared infrared port and send short message! 簡(jiǎn)單的PPC紅外線(xiàn)通訊,本代碼通過(guò)PDA紅外與手機紅外端口連接并發(fā)送短消息!
- Why not send them short messages? 為什么不給他們發(fā)信呢?
- These functions of automobile multimedia system include automobile navigation system, DVD player, FM radio, TV, GPRS wireless Internet connection, sending short message. 系統主要包括的功能有:車(chē)載導航系統、DVD、FM調頻收音機、電視、GPRS無(wú)線(xiàn)上網(wǎng)、倒車(chē)雷達及發(fā)短信報警。
- It is a DLL(dynamic link libraries), adopting short message asynchronism transmission for connecting gateway. In fact, it improves system transplant and efficiency of sending short message to a great extent. 該通訊模塊采用消息異步傳輸的方式實(shí)現與短消息網(wǎng)關(guān)的接入,以動(dòng)態(tài)連接庫的形式實(shí)現,提高了系統的可移植性和短消息處理效率。
- They are a great way to convey short messages. 它們是一種傳達短消息的極佳方式。
- Why not send her a short message? 為什么不給她發(fā)個(gè)短消息呢?
- The domestic self-health diagnostic information collection system uses the way of sending short messages, thus the network spreadability is quite strong; 本發(fā)明利用短信發(fā)送方式,網(wǎng)絡(luò )覆蓋性極強;
- Rubbish short messages have made the mobile phone users complain incessantly. 垃圾短信使手機用戶(hù)叫苦不迭。
- SMWAP Short Message Wireless Access Protocol. 短信無(wú)線(xiàn)訪(fǎng)問(wèn)協(xié)議。
- Type your name and a short message. 鍵入名稱(chēng)和短消息。
- Sending. Delivers short message anywhere instantly. 短訊術(shù):將短訊立即傳至任何位置。
- I've just written a super-long short message. 我剛剛編輯了一條超長(cháng)的短信。
- Create and send SMS (Short Message Services) by using your GSM cellular phone. 通過(guò)您的GSM移動(dòng)電話(huà)創(chuàng )建和發(fā)送短消息。
- You'll then receive a short message, asking you to send your answer. 接著(zhù)您會(huì )收到一條讓您發(fā)送答案的短信。
- Before i went to wsi,i send the short message to her,but she didn't told me. 一轉眼的功夫一個(gè)星期都過(guò)去了。