- Where can I get seismic hazard maps? 問(wèn):從哪里我能得到地震危害地圖?
- Further research is required on "Intermittent criticality", "triggers, stress shadows and implications for seismic hazard". 需要對“間歇的危險狀態(tài)”、“觸發(fā)因子、應力陰影以及地震活動(dòng)風(fēng)險的牽連因素”進(jìn)行進(jìn)一步的研究。
- The seismic hazard of sites must be evaluated and aseismatic design must be adopted for structures before projects are constructed. 摘要工程建設時(shí)必須對工程場(chǎng)地的地震危險性進(jìn)行評價(jià),并且對工程結構物要采取抗震設計。
- The core content establishing HSE management system is harmfulness identification and hazard evaluation . 建立HSE管理體系的核心是進(jìn)行危害識別與風(fēng)險評估。
- In the USA, the emphasis has long been shifted to a better fundamental understanding of the earthquake process, and on an improved calculation of the seismic hazard. 在美國,研究工作的重點(diǎn)早就轉移到對地震過(guò)程更好的基礎理解上,以及對地震風(fēng)險計算的改進(jìn)上。
- They also suggest that activity on the margin-parallel faults in eastern Tibet may represent a significant seismic hazard to the densely populated Sichuan Basin. "他們還建議:藏東的邊緣平行斷層的活動(dòng)對于人口稠密的四川盆地可能代表著(zhù)重大的地震危險.;"
- The implementation of the predictive system for landslide hazard evaluation is introduced, using GIS data of Hebei Mt.Taihang. 文中以河北省太行山地區為例,利用該系統,實(shí)現了該區的滑坡預警評價(jià)分析。
- By taking Xianyou County as an example,a new method for landslide hazard evaluation based on GIS and Support Vector Machines(SVM) is presented in this paper. 以仙游縣為例,探討了將地理信息系統技術(shù)(GIS)和支持向量機(SVM)算法應用于滑坡災害危險性評價(jià)的基本思路和技術(shù)路線(xiàn)。
- The seismic hazard prediction for single building of 182 multifloor bri ck buildings in Weifang area of Shandong Province has been made one by one by th e expert system of seismic hazard prediction for multi-floor brick buildings. 利用多層砌體房屋震害預測專(zhuān)家系統,對山東濰坊地區182棟多層磚房逐棟進(jìn)行了單體房屋的震害預測。
- In this paper,discussions are made on the widely applied intensity attenuation models of seismic hazard analysis: the point-source model introduced by Cornell,C. A. and the fault-rupture model given by Der Kiureghian and A. 本文討論在地震危險性分析中目前使用廣泛的地震烈度衰減模型;即Cornell建立的點(diǎn)源模型和洪華生(A.;H-S
- Yih-Shing Duh, Chang-Chia Hsu, Chen-Shan Kao and Shuh Woeiyu, 1996, “Applications of Reaction Calorimetry in Reaction Kinetics and Thermal Hazard Evaluation”, Thermochem.Acta, pp. 2899, 1-13. 杜逸興,1998,“熱卡計在化學(xué)反應危害評估及石化制程應用”,演講投影片,工研院工業(yè)安全衛生技術(shù)發(fā)展中心,5月23日。
- The significant differences of contents and methodology between the new version of IAEA Safety Guide "Evaluation of Seismic Hazards for Nuclear Power Plants (NS-G-3.3)" and the previous one are discussed here. 本文分析了國際原子能機構新頒布的安全導則“EvaluationofSeismicHazardsforNuclearPowerPlants(NS-G-3.;3)”與前版導則相比在內容、方法上的一些顯著(zhù)的變化;
- The historical seismic data are the key determining seismicity parameter in seismic hazard analysis. 摘要在地震危險性分析中,歷史地震資料是確定地震活動(dòng)性參數的關(guān)鍵。
- The results will be benefit to the new generation of seismic zonation of China and seismic hazard assessment in the moderate seismicity region. 本文的研究結果對于地震活動(dòng)主要以6級以下中強地震活動(dòng)為主的我國中東部地區的地震區劃研究以及編制新一代地震動(dòng)參數區劃圖都具有重要的參考意義。
- The differences between these models for regional seismicity have important consequences for efforts to quantify the seismic hazard in a particular region. 這些模型對于地區性地震活動(dòng)性的差別,對于量化一個(gè)特定區域的地震活動(dòng)風(fēng)險的努力產(chǎn)生重要的后果。
- Hazard Evaluation in Engineering Construction 工程建設中的災害評價(jià)
- Hazard evaluation for laser operation 激光作業(yè)危害評價(jià)
- Seismic Hazard Map of the Carpathian Basin, 喀爾巴阡盆地震源深度圖、
- Flood Hazard Evaluation Information System 洪水災情評估信息系統
- This paper presents a new method using remote sensing and GIS techniques. The seismic hazards were classified by aerial images and then isoseisms were produced in GIS database. 本文介紹在完成國家“八五”科技攻關(guān)項目中,突破常規調查方法,采用遙感與GIS技術(shù),在室內針對震害遙感影像完成震害分類(lèi)分級,進(jìn)而通過(guò)人機對話(huà)完成地震烈度包絡(luò )線(xiàn)的快速生成的方法和技術(shù)。