- Never be blinded by private interests. 絕不能讓私利擋住了眼睛。
- Private interest was not allowed to predominate over the public good. 私人利益不得置于公眾利益之上。
- Focus on the collision between public and private interests and values. 主要重點(diǎn)在公有及私人利益和價(jià)值的沖突。
- Usually, to prevent the beyond the mark wave motion of the stock and seize a chance to seek private gain, concerned branch just can be established go up drop extent. 一般情況下,為了避免股票的過(guò)分波動(dòng)與投機,有關(guān)部門(mén)才會(huì )設立漲跌幅度。
- They had all joined the Band with the same objects, self-glorification and advancement of their private interests. 他們參加集團的目的就是為了耀武揚威和發(fā)展私人利益。
- Legislation is overshadowed by private interest mechanisms with little attention to public interests. 立法過(guò)分拘泥于私益機制,公共利益重視不足。
- Many foreigners cannot understand this, regarding the Chinese unscrupulous in separating public from private interests. 對外國人來(lái)說(shuō),這有點(diǎn)兒不可理解,覺(jué)得中國人公私不分。
- Private interests were to capitalize the joint-stock land banks, operating on a profit basis for their stockholders. 私人資本投資于股份制土地銀行,并通過(guò)股東的身份獲取收益。
- But dedication to laissez-faire has not prevented private interests in the United States from turning to the government for help on numerous occasions. 實(shí)行“放任主義”并不妨礙美國的私人企業(yè)在許多情況下尋求政府的幫助。
- Most of the people at that time paid no attention to the general progress of events but were guided only by their private interests. 那時(shí)大部分的人并不注意大局,只被目前個(gè)人的利益所驅使。
- Not only the prejudices of the public, but what is much more unconquerable, the private interests of many individuals, irresistibly oppose free trade. 不僅公眾的偏見(jiàn),還有更難克服的許多個(gè)人的私利,是自由貿易完全恢復的不可抗拒的阻力。
- Pause now for a moment, and consider how much more solicitous we are about our private interests than the Rhodians have been about their welfare. 請稍停片刻,想想我們多關(guān)切自身的利益,遠超洛迪人考慮他們的利益。
- Conflicts of interest n. A conflict between the private interests and the public obligations of a person in an official position. 利害沖突:公職人員在個(gè)人私利和他所負的公共義務(wù)間的沖突。
- Publicprivate partnership, a voluntary association of public and private interests committed to the successful development and deployment of ITS. 以自愿性質(zhì)把公共及私人利益結合,務(wù)求成功地建立及落實(shí)開(kāi)展智能交通運輸系統。
- A “conflict of interest” occurs when your private interest interferes (or appears to interfere) with the company's interests. 當個(gè)人利益與公司利益相抵觸時(shí)“利益沖突”便隨即產(chǎn)生。
- Let him seek peace and ensue it! 讓他去追求和平并為和平而奔波吧。
- Conversely, some “collective” or “state” enterprises operate in ways indistinguishable from the private interests of their bosses. 而反過(guò)來(lái),一些集體或國有企業(yè)的運轉方式卻又和它們的負責人的個(gè)人利益息息相關(guān)。
- In these latter cases, DG SANCO suggests that fees can be justified as public money is being used partly for private interests. 在后一種情況下,總干事SANCO表明,收費的理由可以作為公共資金被用來(lái)部分為私人利益。
- Venture Capital Fund Venture capital funds pool and manage money from investors seeking private equity stakes in small and medium-size enterprises with strong growth potential. 創(chuàng )業(yè)基金尋求對潛力強大小型或中型企業(yè)進(jìn)行私人股本投資的投資者組成的創(chuàng )業(yè)基金。
- States seek to become stronger through alliance. 各國力求通過(guò)結盟而更加強大。