- MORTGAGE lending is hardly the raciest business, but it has its moments. 放貸抵押從來(lái)就不是最活躍的業(yè)務(wù),但是現在它的好日子來(lái)了。
- In a free market, it is up to the banks to decide which reference rate to use for mortgage lending. 在自由市場(chǎng)里,商業(yè)銀行可自行決定采用哪一項參考利率來(lái)厘定按揭貸款的息率。
- Surprisingly, the survey found that mortgage lending to households was unscathed. 出人意料的是,調查結果顯示居民房屋按揭貸款未受影響。
- Bernanke said the housing market is continuing to weaken as problems persist with mortgage lending. 貝南克說(shuō)由于抵押貸款問(wèn)題仍然存在,房地產(chǎn)市場(chǎng)仍然處于疲軟中。
- Home prices, construction and mortgage lending were particularly ebullient in those states earlier this decade. 本年代初,這些州的房產(chǎn)開(kāi)發(fā),房?jì)r(jià)和房地產(chǎn)抵押貸款特別火熱。
- Since September buyers have had to make a 40% down payment for a second mortgage. 去年9月份,中央出臺文件,規定購買(mǎi)第二套住宅需繳納40%25的首付。
- B. sais the housing market is continuing to weaken, as problems persist with mortgage lending. 稱(chēng)房產(chǎn)市場(chǎng)隨著(zhù)抵押貸款的問(wèn)題正繼續惡化。
- The Federal Reserve has adopted new rules designed to protect homebuyers from dubious mortgage lending practices. 美聯(lián)儲采取了新的條例旨在保護購房者免受可疑抵押貸款行為的危害。
- Met representatives of the Coalition of Sandwich Class Housing to discuss the problem of negative equity, interest rate for second mortgage loans and penalties. 與夾屋大聯(lián)盟的代表會(huì )面,討論有關(guān)負資產(chǎn)問(wèn)題和二按息率及罰款的問(wèn)題。
- That reflects a ballooning in foreign banks' mortgage lending to locals, denominated mostly in euros, which has fuelled a property boom. 它反映出外國銀行在當地的抵押借貸正在迅速增加,其中大部分用的是歐元,此舉將導致房地產(chǎn)的興隆。
- Is former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan responsible for holding interest rates too low and for not imposing tougher regulations on mortgage lending? 前美聯(lián)儲主席格林斯潘是否要為保持低利率,對房屋貸款不實(shí)行更嚴格的管制負責呢?
- Readers are of course familiar with our stance, fully supported by the banks, on the extent of risk that banks should assume in residential mortgage lending. 讀者當然都熟識金管局對銀行在住宅按揭貸款所承受的風(fēng)險的立場(chǎng),我們更得到銀行界的全力支持。
- Moffett was named CEO just in September shortly after the federal government took over control of the mortgage lending giant in the midst of the housing crisis. 他是在去年9月份被任命為CEO,那時(shí)聯(lián)邦政府剛剛在房地產(chǎn)業(yè)的危機中接管了這一抵押貸款業(yè)的巨頭。
- If rates were raised high enough to restrain mortgage lending, they could also jeopardise the broader economy, especially since household and corporate debt together add up to as much as 200% of GDP. 如果利率提到足夠高去遏制申請抵押貸款,他們也可以危害更大范圍的經(jīng)濟,特別是自從家庭和法人的債務(wù)加起來(lái)總計達到了GDP的200%25以來(lái)。
- I am confident that the banks are applying the same stringent underwriting standards when considering mortgage loans with second mortgages provided by lenders outside of the banking system. 我深信銀行在審批附帶由非銀行機構提供的第二按揭的貸款申請時(shí),會(huì )采取同樣嚴謹的審批準則。
- private residential mortgage lending 私人住宅物業(yè)按揭貸款
- Countrywide, the biggest US mortgage lender, will cut up to 20% of its staff, as business slumps. 全國性又最大的美國房屋貸款公司,將削減達20%25的它的職員,當做商務(wù)暴跌。
- Prices unexpectedly increased by 2.6% in May, according to Halifax, a mortgage lender. 根據抵押貸款公司哈利法克斯的數據,5月房?jì)r(jià)還意外上漲2.;6%25。
- Another Merrill analyst had earlier caused an even bigger quake by downgrading Countrywide, a big mortgage lender. 早些時(shí)候,另一位美林分析師降低了一家抵押貸款商Countrywide的評級,引起了股市更大的震動(dòng)。
- Darling, Gieve and Sants spent the day working out how to shore up Britain's biggest mortgage lender. 達林、吉夫和桑茲則花了一整天琢磨如何維持英國最大的抵押貸款銀行。