- Originality is the touchstone of copyright law. 作品的獨創(chuàng )性是著(zhù)作權保護的試金石。
- This is the part of copyright law that makes cover songs possible. 作為版權法的一部分,這使得翻唱歌曲成為可能。
- In his argument,Lessig said Congress had ignored the point of copyright law. 在辯論中,Lessig說(shuō),國會(huì )忽略了著(zhù)作權法的要點(diǎn)。
- In his argument, Lessig said Congress had ignored the point of copyright law. 在辯論中,Lessig說(shuō),國會(huì )忽略了著(zhù)作權法的要點(diǎn)。
- There is much talk in the literature and the cases of the "incentive" nature of copyright law. 著(zhù)作權法的激勵本質(zhì)在著(zhù)作和案例中都有談到。
- If uniformity is not to be the teleology of copyright law, then we are forced back to first principles. 如果一致不是著(zhù)作權法的目的,那么我們就被迫回到基本原理。
- If uniformity is not to be the teleology of copyright law,then we are forced back to first principles. 如果一致不是著(zhù)作權法的目的,那么我們就被迫回到基本原理。
- Longstanding precedent counseled that the Court ought to defer to Congress on the policy aspects of copyright law. 長(cháng)期以來(lái),判決先例表明在著(zhù)作權方面的政策上,法院應當尊重國會(huì )的工作。
- It is a basic rule of copyright law that copyright does not protect ideas but only the expression of ideas. 一個(gè)基本原則是:版權法不保護思想,只保護"思想的表現形式"。
- Plagiarism is unacknowledged use of another person's work, and is often a breach of copyright law. 剽竊是指擅自使用別人的作品,而且通常是違反版權法的行為。
- He is well versed in the science of optics. 他精通光學(xué)。
- Another feature of copyright law which limits its potency is that it does not protect ideas; it merely protects the very expression of an idea. 版權法的另一特征是它不保護作品的思想本身,只保護作品思想的表達。這一特征對版權法本身的作用有所限制。
- She studies biochemistry, or the science of life. 她學(xué)生物化學(xué),也就是生命科學(xué)。
- William M. Landes and Richard A. Posner, An Economic Analysis of Copyright Law,18 J. Leg. Stud. 325, 325-33, 344-53 (1989). 該文乃版權研究領(lǐng)域的杠鼎之作,是研究版權經(jīng)濟問(wèn)題基礎文獻和必讀文獻,引用率相當高企。
- The applied science of soils in relation to crops. 土壤學(xué)和作物相關(guān)的應用土壤學(xué)
- A historical examination of copyright law indicates a continued expansion of protected rights and continued reduction of the rights of works that remain in the public domain. 對著(zhù)作權法的歷史考察表明,它代表了被保護權利的持續擴張,以及相應的在作品中作為公共領(lǐng)域部分的持續減少。
- The physical science of such phenomena. 電學(xué)研究電的現象的物理科學(xué)
- The science of childbirth; midwifery or obstetrics. 產(chǎn)科學(xué)分娩的科學(xué); 助產(chǎn)學(xué)或產(chǎn)科學(xué)
- Is the enforcement of copyright laws inappropriate in the fight against AIDS or SARS? Explain. 在抗擊aids或SARS的戰斗中,實(shí)施版權法是否是不合適的?請解釋。
- Law is the science of what is good and just. 法律必須保持穩定但卻不能一成不變。