- In Qing Dynasty,Szechwan was an important salt area.At the same time,salt smuggling was very serious. 清代四川是重要的產(chǎn)鹽區,其私鹽問(wèn)題十分突出。
- In the Qing Dynasty, the problem of private salt was the main social chronic illness that puzzled Qing government. Salt smuggle was gradually fearful. 清代,私鹽問(wèn)題是困擾清政府的主要社會(huì )痼疾之一,食鹽走私在明代日漸嚴重的基礎 上,更加突出的暴露出來(lái)。
- Leglity salt tradespeople secretly carriing salt arosed by high tax charge and it had essential differece from unlawful salt smuggling. 合法鹽商夾帶鹽斤,是稅費過(guò)高引起,與非法行私有本質(zhì)區別。
- This essay insists that the salt smuggling was wide spread in Szechwan because of benefit-seeking,special geographical conditions and neglecting duty of personnel whose duty is to seize smugglers. 私鹽盛行的原因在于利益的驅使、特殊的地理條件以及緝私人員的玩忽職守等。
- Salt is a common food preservative. 鹽是一種常用的食物防腐劑。
- We caught the smuggler on the spot. 我們當場(chǎng)抓到那個(gè)走私犯。
- He spoiled the soup by putting too much salt in it. 他放了太多的鹽,把那盤(pán)湯糟蹋了。
- My hair kinked up in the salt water. 我的頭發(fā)在鹽水中纏在一起了。
- Add salt, pepper and a dash of vinegar. 加鹽、胡椒粉和一點(diǎn)兒醋。
- She is economical in her use of salt when cooking. 她烹飪時(shí)用鹽很少。
- She lifted the lid of the pot to add some salt. 她掀起鍋蓋加點(diǎn)鹽。
- The coastguard cutter cruise along the coast look for smuggler. 海岸警衛隊緝私艇沿海巡邏搜尋走私犯。
- Add salt to correct the seasoning. 加點(diǎn)鹽把味道調好。
- Salt has a preservative effect on food. 鹽對食物有防腐作用。
- Oops! I put in sugar instead of salt. ??!我錯把糖當鹽放了。
- The action of salt on ice causes it to melt. 鹽作用於冰而使其融化。
- Salt water and absence wash away love. [諺]遠航久別恩情疏。
- Adding salt to food improves the flavour. 食物中加鹽可以提味。
- A salt or an ester of boric acid. 硼酸鹽一種硼酸鹽或硼酸酯
- He put salt into his tea by mistake. 他把鹽誤放進(jìn)茶里。