- Applied nonlinear elastic analysis for cable net glazing,a two-node linear element was presented. 針對單層平面索網(wǎng)幕墻結構靜力分析的特點(diǎn),提出了二節點(diǎn)直線(xiàn)桿單元有限元模型。
- The text also generally introduces configuration software, the geneal situation of monitoring, and the advantge of work theary of VPDN cable net. 文中也概括地介紹了當前組態(tài)軟件、視頻監控的概況、VPDN有線(xiàn)網(wǎng)絡(luò )的優(yōu)點(diǎn)和工作原理等。
- Monolayer cable net is a new kind flexible point supported system andused widely for its fine transparence, light weight and flexible constructionetc. 點(diǎn)支式玻璃建筑單層索網(wǎng)體系是一種新型的柔性玻璃幕墻體系,因其具有通透性好、輕盈美觀(guān)和施工靈活等特點(diǎn)得到廣泛應用。
- Data Broadcast service is the service that transfers a great deal of data such as Netnews and network education services in digital cable net. 互聯(lián)網(wǎng)信息如教育、新聞、天氣、股票、娛樂(lè )、文學(xué)等在數字有線(xiàn)網(wǎng)絡(luò )中傳輸并在終端機頂盒上的實(shí)現是數字有線(xiàn)網(wǎng)業(yè)務(wù)擴展的重要內容。
- Research has been rarely focused on the seismis performance of the plane single-lager cable net supported glass curtain structure. 在此基礎上,經(jīng)過(guò)統計、平滑處理,得到了適用于單層平面索網(wǎng)玻璃幕墻結構抗震設計的設計地震反應譜和地震影響系數。
- World War II footage has that familiar black-and-white scene: a heavily damaged war bird lands out of control on the stern of a straight-deck carrier and crashes into a steel cable net, which prevents it from ramming into aircraft waiting to take off. 講到第二次世界大戰的影片里頭,常常會(huì )出現一種熟悉的黑白場(chǎng)景:一架?chē)乐厥軗p的戰機,失控降落在航空母艦筆直甲板的最末端,猛地沖入鋼纜制成的網(wǎng)子里頭,剛好沒(méi)有撞上其他正在準備起飛的戰機。
- The tip of the cantilevered braced frame is effectively suspended by its connection to the same primary diagonal cables that simultaneously stiffen the cable net wall. 因此上部樓層東南角和西南角的核心體和柱子之間就會(huì )形成一個(gè)橋式跨度。
- Project Point and Plan Step of Double Cable Net 雙向電纜網(wǎng)絡(luò )的設計要點(diǎn)和方法步驟
- General Test Platform for Missile Ground Cable Net 導彈地面電纜網(wǎng)的通用電纜檢測平臺
- The money is raised by the sale of raffle ticket. 這筆款是通過(guò)出售購物彩券籌集的。
- If we can pull through this recession, we will be in good shape. 如果我們能渡過(guò)這段經(jīng)濟不景氣的時(shí)間,我們就會(huì )好多了。
- The sale office is on line to the warehouse. 營(yíng)業(yè)部與倉庫的計算機聯(lián)網(wǎng)。
- two-way monolayer flexible cable net structure 雙向單層柔性索網(wǎng)結構
- I got it for next to nothing in a jumble sale. 這是我在舊貨拍賣(mài)場(chǎng)簡(jiǎn)直沒(méi)花錢(qián)買(mǎi)到的。
- Sale is down a bit due to the revaluation. 由于貨幣升值銷(xiāo)售額有下降。
- support with anchor cable net spurts 錨網(wǎng)噴支護
- I got this cheap at a department store sale. 我在百貨公司特價(jià)廉售時(shí)買(mǎi)到了這件便宜貨。
- I am in no shape worthy of your father's care. 我完全不值得你父親的關(guān)懷。
- singer-layer plane cable net structure 單層平面索網(wǎng)結構
- Quite a few of our sale staff are women. 我們相當多的銷(xiāo)售人員是婦女。