- The high salary reconciled me to living abroad. 我為獲高薪也只好在國外生活。
- How do they manage to subsist on such a low wage? 他們這點(diǎn)工資怎么糊口?
- The cost will be stopped out of your salary. 費用將從你的工資中扣除。
- He's discontented with his wage. 他不滿(mǎn)于自己的工資。
- Can I have an advance against next month's salary? 我能從下月工資中預支一部分款項嗎?
- The government has introduced a wage freeze. 政府已宣布要凍結工資。
- He is covetous of her high salary. 他垂涎她的高薪。
- Most wage claims are settled by compromise. 對提高工資的要求大多都能折衷解決。
- He was discontented with his salary. 他對自己的薪水感到不滿(mǎn)。
- My monthly salary cheque is late. 我的月工資支票來(lái)遲了。
- The company's wage system is coming under review. 即將重新考慮公司的工資制度。
- I can't get by on such a small salary. 我薪水這么少無(wú)法生活。
- The boss promised a blanket wage increase. 老板答應全面加薪。
- The minimum wage is 4.25 dollars an hour. 最低工價(jià)為每小時(shí)四點(diǎn)二五美元。
- How does she get by on such a small salary? 她靠那麼一點(diǎn)兒薪水怎么過(guò)活?
- We have a right to a living wage. 我們有權得到足夠維持生活的工資。
- Tax is deducted from your salary. 稅金從你的薪金中扣除。
- The government has fixed a wage floor. 政府已規定了工資的底限。
- She asked for an advance on her salary. 她請求預支薪水。
- How can I keep a family on such a miserable wage? 我怎么能靠這少得可憐的工資養家?