- Phosphoric acid produced by the wet process is in the ortho form. 用濕法生產(chǎn)的磷酸呈正磷酸狀態(tài)。
- Types of prefabricated foot orthoses available from FSD Lab. 步行款矯形鞋墊:適合步行款及男仕上班款鞋...
- Helps stabilize sacroiliac joints. Relieves stress and pain. 支持及鞏固盤(pán)骨關(guān)節,舒緩壓力及痛楚。
- AP pelvis reveals sacroiliac disruption and a left acetabular fracture. 骨盆AP顯示骶髂分離并且左側髖臼骨折。
- Our goal is to produce the finest orthoses for the best clinical outcomes. 我們的目的是要制造優(yōu)質(zhì)產(chǎn)品達到最好的臨床效果。
- I used two lag screws to fix two luxation sides on the sacroiliac joints. 我使用兩支壓迫性半螺紋的骨騾子做兩側腸薦關(guān)節的固定。
- AP pelis reeals sacroiliac disruption and a left acetabular fracture. 骨盆AP顯示骶髂分離并且左側髖臼骨折。
- Orthoses and auxiliaries are important to the people with lower limb disabled in their daily lives. 中文摘要肢架輔具的使用對肢體行動(dòng)不便的生活上是相當重要。
- Objective To investigate the effect on gait of patients with foot dro p by using posterior leaf ankle foot orthoses. 目的研究后置彈性踝足矯形器對單純足下垂患者踝足功能和步態(tài)的影響。
- The ortho cone helicoid was used interrsect intercept by the ortho cone helicoid and the cylinder. 正圓錐螺旋面是正圓柱螺旋面被同軸正圓錐面截得。
- Objective To study CT features of ankylosing spondylitis(AS) in sacroiliac articulation. 目的探討強直性脊柱炎在骶髂關(guān)節的CT表現。
- Objective To investigate the effect on ambulation of cerebral palsy children by using rigid ankle foot orthoses. 目的研究硬踝足矯形器對腦性癱瘓腦癱病兒運動(dòng)功能的影響。
- Ortho Biotech, for example, recently changed one of the chemicals added to its erythropoietin alpha medicine as a stabilizer. 舉例來(lái)說(shuō),美國奧多生物科技公司最近換了加在紅血球生成素里頭的一種安定劑。
- An arc incision was taken in posterior sacroiliac joint, and Pfannenstiel incision in the anterior. 后側取骶髂關(guān)節弧形切口,前側Pfannenstiel切口。
- Custom made foot orthoses : Our custom foot orthoses are made from a mold of the foot that fit to exact specifications. 度身訂造形型鞋墊:配合足患者個(gè)別足形需要而制成。能有效改善足患問(wèn)題。
- Methods CT data of sacroiliac joints in 52 patients with ankylosing spondylitis was collected and analyzed. 方法收集分析52例強直性脊柱炎患者的骶髂關(guān)節CT資料。
- For a disubstituted complex, MA4B2, the planar arrangement gives three isomers, the familiar ortho, meta, and para arrangements of organic chemistry. 對于雙取代絡(luò )合物MA4B2,其平面排列有三個(gè)異構體,常見(jiàn)的為有機化學(xué)中的鄰位、間位和對位排列。
- Orthotic Lab to fabricate different styles of foot orthoses and provide instant foot orthoses modifications. 附設矯形制作室,制造多種矯形鞋墊;并于需要時(shí)為足患者直接提快過(guò)速修改鞋墊...。
- Objective To summarize the CT features of sacroiliac joint in juvenility with ankylosing spondylitis. 目的總結幼年強直性脊柱炎患者骶髂關(guān)節的CT影像特征,探討CT對該病的診斷價(jià)值。
- In this paper,ortho nitrobenzaldehyde is prepared with indirect oxo-process for o nitrotoluene. 以鄰硝基甲苯為原料,采用間接氧化法制備鄰硝基苯甲醛。