- This article talks about the current related factors influencing rural teacher's professionalization and puts forward corresponding countermeasures. 摘要本文論述目前影響農村教師專(zhuān)業(yè)化的相關(guān)因素,并提出加強農村教師專(zhuān)業(yè)化的相關(guān)對策。
- The experience of Malcolm (not his real name), a rural teacher from Mashonaland East, a stronghold of Mr Mugabe's ruling ZANU-PF, was fairly typical. 東馬紹納蘭是穆加貝先生領(lǐng)導的”津巴布韋非洲民族聯(lián)盟-愛(ài)國陣線(xiàn)”(ZANU-PF)的根據地,馬爾科姆(化名)是這里的一名鄉村教師,他的經(jīng)歷具有代表性。
- Lin got the job offer last April through a government-backed rural teacher program that promised university grads *favorable job policies after three years of service (see box). 林在去年四月通過(guò)政府支持的農村教師計劃找到這份工作,計劃規定大學(xué)畢業(yè)生在農村服務(wù)三年后,可享受良好的就業(yè)政策。
- Quality -improvement Project on Rural Teachers in Primary and Middle Schools 農村中小學(xué)教師素質(zhì)提升工程
- professionalization of rural teachers 農村教師專(zhuān)業(yè)化
- professional development of rural teachers 農村教師專(zhuān)業(yè)發(fā)展
- It's difficult to recruit teachers of quality. 要聘請到素質(zhì)好的老師是很困難的。
- Rural areas have been worst hit by the strike. 受罷工影響最嚴重的是鄉村地區。
- Some of the teachers and staff members board out. 有些住在學(xué)校的教職工在外搭伙。
- He is vicar of a large rural parish. 他是農村一大牧區的牧師。
- Our teachers taught us to be benevolent. 我們的老師教導我們應當以仁慈為懷。
- The disease occurs most frequently in rural areas. 那疾病多見(jiàn)於農村地區。
- This brilliant pupil is a credit to his teachers. 這名優(yōu)秀生為老師增了光。
- I am longing for quiet rural life. 我極想過(guò)清靜的鄉村生活。
- She speaks with a soft rural burr. 她說(shuō)話(huà)帶著(zhù)鄉下人的輕柔的r音。
- Some teachers spoon-feed their students. 有些教師教書(shū)如喂食,使學(xué)生不會(huì )獨立思考。
- Teachers are often compared to burning candles. 人們總是把老師比喻為燃燒的蠟燭。
- The inhabitants of a rural region. 鄉民農村地區的居民
- All the teachers and students are warmly welcome. 熱烈歡迎全體師生蒞臨指導。
- Her child is a trial to his teachers. 她的孩子讓老師很傷腦筋。