- A medieval missile launcher designed on the principle of the crossbow. 中世紀飛彈發(fā)射器是根據弩的原理設計的。
- The Simbad launcher is installed on the stern deck. 導彈可有效對付固定翼,旋轉翼,和反艦導彈。
- Choose EXIT to close the launcher. 選擇退出以關(guān)閉載入器。
- Tomahawk launcher armed and ready. 戰斧導彈裝彈完畢。
- Yuke G Dammit, the TOW launcher's busted! 該死,反坦克導彈裝置故障!
- This firework is shaped like a rocket launcher! 這個(gè)煙花是火箭筒形狀的!
- At this point, the satellite separates from its launcher. 此時(shí),衛星就脫離發(fā)射器。
- Doesn't boot. White screens and corrupt icon in Ninja DS Launcher. 不能引導,白屏且圖標錯誤。
- Only one scan probe launcher can be fitted per ship. 每艘船將只能裝備一個(gè)探針發(fā)射器。
- Includes solidified air bubble launcher and sphere ammunition! 包括凝固氣泡發(fā)射器和球形彈藥!
- Added version number indicator to the launcher menu. 添加了版本號指示器于啟動(dòng)菜單。
- Grimm Roger. In position for rocket launcher attack. 瞭解?;鸺l(fā)射攻擊已經(jīng)準備就位。
- Deleted screenshots no longer remain listed in the launcher. 刪除不再截圖中列出發(fā)射。
- The paper offers a reference for designing the rocket launcher. 本報告為火箭發(fā)射裝置設計提供了參考。
- Run the pbp with the title "Devhook 0.4X launcher for 2.71". 原理是在2.;71的固件上,模擬1
- The launcher and vehicle are then transported to the firing pad by a crawler. 發(fā)射器和飛行器由一個(gè)爬行軌道送到點(diǎn)火臺。
- Displays Task Launcher for access to documents, templates, and TaskWizards. 顯示任務(wù)啟動(dòng)器以訪(fǎng)問(wèn)文檔、模板和任務(wù)向導。
- Then the launcher and vehicle are transported to the firing pad by a crawler. 然后,發(fā)射器和飛行器由一個(gè)爬行軌道送到點(diǎn)火臺。
- If the base has enough missiles, the launcher will be automatically reloaded. 如果那基地有充足導彈,發(fā)射臺將會(huì )自動(dòng)地再裝彈。
- When threatened, he fires spheres of solidified air from his launcher! 當危險來(lái)臨,他就會(huì )發(fā)射它的彈藥!