- This time the generation, besides the dynasty, in addition has the plumbago auriculata and the green dragon two family's influence existence. 此時(shí)代,除皇朝外,另有藍花及綠龍兩個(gè)家族的勢力存在。
- Some species, such as Ficus auriculata, F. hispida, Cinnamomum camphora, Sterculia lanceolata, Heteropanax fragrans, are more important than other species in vegetation composing and succession. 值得注意的是,外來(lái)入侵種在本區占有較大比例,這與本區的地理位置和日益增長(cháng)的外貿、旅游交流等密切相關(guān)。
- After the concert starts officially, Zhu Xun wears a body white bottom plumbago auriculata the suspenders skirt attire to come on stage, manages the style to welcome the audience applause gracefully. 演唱會(huì )正式開(kāi)始后,朱迅身著(zhù)一身白底藍花的吊帶裙裝上臺,優(yōu)雅主持風(fēng)格迎來(lái)觀(guān)眾掌聲。
- eared strangler fig (ficus auriculata) 木瓜榕
- aplotaxis auriculata compound pill 木香檳榔丸
- nephrolepis auriculatan. 腎蕨;腎蕨
- Subsect. Auriculatan. 耳葉杜鵑亞組
- Cassia auriculatan. 耳葉決明
- Roscoea auriculatan. 耳葉象牙參
- Lysimachia auriculatan. 耳葉珍珠菜
- Saxifraga auriculatan. 耳狀虎耳草
- Lymnaea auriculata [醫] 耳椎實(shí)螺
- Oxytropis auriculatan. 耳瓣棘豆
- Ser. Auriculatan. 大果榕系
- Plumbago auriculata 藍雪花
- Arabis auriculatan. 耳葉南薺
- Commelina auriculatan. 耳苞鴨跖草
- Corydalis auriculatan. 耳柄紫堇
- Cyclogramma auriculatan. 耳羽鉤毛蕨
- Dichrocephala auriculatan. 魚(yú)眼草