- Accepting the president's right to attack another country "whenever he shall deem it necessary," Lincoln observed, would make it impossible to "fix any limit" to his power to make war. 接受總統的“在他相信是必要的任何時(shí)候”進(jìn)攻其他國家的權利,林肯認為將導致總統發(fā)動(dòng)戰爭的權利無(wú)法受到制約。
- That outrageously cruel and tyrannical nation claims everything for itself, makes everything dependent on its will and pleasure. they think it right to dictate with whom we are to make war or peace. 它劃定界限,以我們不得逾越的山脈河流把我們封鎖起來(lái),而它卻不遵守自己規定的界限。它還說(shuō),不得越過(guò)伊比利亞半島,不得干預薩貢廷人;
- I don't think it's right to make such a hasty decision. 我認為如此倉促地做出決定是不正確的。
- The last option you have is to make war with them. 你最后的選擇是向他們開(kāi)戰。
- He himself has no right to make a law . 他自己沒(méi)有權利制定法律。
- Everybody's got a right to make a buck. 誰(shuí)都有權弄到點(diǎn)好處。
- It is not right to make fun of people who stammer. 取笑口吃的人是不對的。
- He himself has no right to make a law. 他自己沒(méi)有權利制定法律。
- Reserve the right to make my own decisions. 我保留自己做決定的權利。
- I reserve the right to make my own decision. 我保留做出我自己決定。
- I reserve the right to make my own decisions. 我保留自行做出決定的權利。
- They came together to make war against Joshua and Israel. 就都聚集,同心合意的要與約書(shū)亞和以色列人爭戰。
- UCCA reserves its right to make reasonable changes to this program. 有關(guān)會(huì )員制度的一切規定條款及其他內容的最終解釋權屬于UCCA。
- They have their rights to make its own decision. 她們有自己的權利做出自己的決定。
- Not yet ready to make war on the old Guard, he came to terms with them. 由于尚未準備好向保守派作斗爭,就與之友好相處。
- The right to make new laws is vested in the government. 政府被授予制定新法律之權。
- We mustn't take upon ourselves the right to make decision. 我們不可以自作主張。
- You have no right to make free with my name in your report . 你沒(méi)有權利在你的報告中擅用我的名字。
- To make war upon those who trade with us is like setting a bulldog upon a customer at the shop-door. 向與我們交易的人開(kāi)戰,無(wú)異于在店門(mén)口放狗去咬自己的顧客。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持異議的權利是我們政治體制的組成部分。