
[ra?d]     [ra?d]    
  • v. 騎;乘
  • n. 交通工具;騎;乘車(chē);搭便車(chē)
rode ridden riding rides



v. (動(dòng)詞)
  1. 騎,乘,坐
  2. 停泊
  3. 騎馬,騎(馬)去,騎馬通過(guò),騎馬旅行,騎馬消遣,駕馭馬匹
  4. 漂浮,飄浮
  5. 航行
  6. 乘車(chē),乘車(chē)行經(jīng),坐(車(chē))去
  7. 用車(chē)運送
  8. <口>困擾
  9. 搭坐,乘坐,搭乘
  10. 騎自行車(chē)去(旅行)
  11. 駕馭
  12. 破(浪)前進(jìn)
  13. 當騎兵,在騎兵隊服務(wù)
  14. 支配,控制
  15. 纏著(zhù)...不放
  16. 乘起來(lái)(感覺(jué))…
  17. 駕駛
  18. 克服
  19. 穿越
  20. 翻越
  21. 騎乘而行
  22. 在…上移動(dòng)
  23. 適合騎乘
  24. <美口>聽(tīng)其自然
  25. (折骨等)重疊
  26. 作為賭注押在…上
n. (名詞)
  1. 乘坐,搭乘
  2. 騎馬旅行,(騎馬)兜風(fēng),騎乘
  3. 短途旅程
  4. 騎馬道
  5. 行駛性能
  6. 旅行
  7. 汽車(chē),車(chē)輛,交通工具
  8. 欺騙
  9. 乘車(chē)旅行
  10. 搭乘時(shí)間
  11. 跑馬場(chǎng)
  12. 【軍】補充騎兵隊
  13. 輕松自由的節奏


v. (動(dòng)詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 乘,騎,駕 travel along, sitting on and controlling (a horse, or other animal, a bicycle, or a motorcycle etc.)
n. (名詞)
  1. [C]乘騎,乘坐,搭乘 being carried on or in sth, especially as a passenger
  2. [C]乘坐時(shí)的感覺(jué) feel of riding in a car, etc.


  1. a journey in a vehicle (usually an automobile);

    "he took the family for a drive in his new car"

  2. a mechanical device that you ride for amusement or excitement

  1. sit and travel on the back of animal, usually while controlling its motions;

    "She never sat a horse!"
    "Did you ever ride a camel?"
    "The girl liked to drive the young mare"

  2. be carried or travel on or in a vehicle;

    "I ride to work in a bus"
    "He rides the subway downtown every day"

  3. continue undisturbed and without interference;

    "Let it ride"

  4. move like a floating object;

    "The moon rode high in the night sky"

  5. harass with persistent criticism or carping;

    "The children teased the new teacher"
    "Don't ride me so hard over my failure"
    "His fellow workers razzed him when he wore a jacket and tie"

  6. be sustained or supported or borne;

    "His glasses rode high on his nose"
    "The child rode on his mother's hips"
    "She rode a wave of popularity"
    "The brothers rode to an easy victory on their father's political name"

  7. have certain properties when driven;

    "This car rides smoothly"
    "My new truck drives well"

  8. be contingent on;

    "The outcomes rides on the results of the election"
    "Your grade will depends on your homework"

  9. lie moored or anchored;

    "Ship rides at anchor"

  10. sit on and control a vehicle;

    "He rides his bicycle to work every day"
    "She loves to ride her new motorcycle through town"

  11. climb up on the body;

    "Shorts that ride up"
    "This skirt keeps riding up my legs"

  12. ride over, along, or through;

    "Ride the freeways of California"

  13. keep partially engaged by slightly depressing a pedal with the foot;

    "Don't ride the clutch!"

  14. copulate with;

    "The bull was riding the cow"



用作動(dòng)詞 (v.)
  1. She hasn't been out riding since the accident.
  2. I can ride a bicycle, and I can drive a car, but I can not ride a horse.
    我會(huì )騎自行車(chē),而且我會(huì )開(kāi)汽車(chē)。但我不會(huì )騎馬。
  3. You'll never learn to ride a bicycle if you don't practise.
    如果你不練習,就學(xué)不會(huì )騎自行車(chē)。
  4. It's a ten-minute ride on the bus.
  5. This balloon ride is incredible.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. A park and ride network will allow private vehicles to also act as feeders to the rail system.
    泊車(chē)轉乘網(wǎng)絡(luò )將有助于私家車(chē)成為接駁鐵路的交通工具。
  2. I want to have a ride of that bike.
  3. It's only a 5-minute bus-ride to the park.
  4. The luxury model gives a smoother ride.
  5. He hitched a ride to the station.


用作動(dòng)詞 (v.)
ride down( v.+adv. )
    騎馬追捕 chase and catch (sb) by means of a horse
ride off( v.+adv. )
    騎馬〔自行車(chē)等〕離開(kāi) leave on horseback or a bicycle, etc.
    ride off

    Without saying a word, she got on her bicycle and rode off.


ride on1( v.+adv. )
    繼續前進(jìn) continue to ride
    ride on

    Ride on, ride on in majesty.


ride on2( v.+prep. )
    取決于… depend on sth
    ride on sth

    He came riding on a donkey.


    They rode 30 li on the horse.


    The little boy rode on his father's shoulders.


    Passengers are not allowed to ride on the roof of the train.


    His dog likes to ride with him on his motorbike.


    ride sb on sth

    Will you ride the baby on your knee for a minute?

    可以讓孩子在你膝上坐一會(huì )兒?jiǎn)?

    ride on sth

    The ship is riding on the waves.


    Tanks ride on treads.


    The door rides on its hinges.


    ride on sth

    The outcome will ride on his decision.


    The committee's decisions often ride on the Chairman's vote.

    委員會(huì )的決定常常由主席最后說(shuō)了算。

    It's vital that we win this contract; the whole future of the company is riding on it.


ride out( v.+adv. )
    安然渡過(guò),經(jīng)受得住 come safely through (sth such as a storm); come safely through (any kind of trouble)
    ride out

    Let's ride out to the mountains while the weather is good.


    ride out sth

    We decided to try to ride out the storm rather than attempt to get back to harbour.


    We can ride out the hurricane by staying here.


    Such weapons could ride out an enemy attack and still hit back effectively.


    The company has managed to ride out this trade depression.


    She can ride out this business.


ride over( v.+prep. )
    (使)騎馬〔自行車(chē)等〕穿過(guò)… pass across (sth such as land) on horseback, bicycle, etc.
    ride over sth

    Huntsmen have no right to ride over other people's land without permission.


    ride sth over sth

    Who said you could ride your bicycle over my garden?


ride to( v.+prep. )
    騎馬〔自行車(chē)等〕到… travel as far as (a place) on horseback, bicycle, etc.
    ride to sth

    It's too far to ride to your grandmother's, you'd better take the bus.


    ride sth to sth

    He rode a motorcycle to the station.


    I rode my bicycle to school every day for ten years.


ride up( v.+adv. )
    向上拱,向上翹 rise steadily up
    ride up

    His coat rides up at the back.


    I don't like this skirt because it keeps riding up.


    Shorts that ride up can be very uncomfortable.

    短褲向上緊繃會(huì )使人感到不舒服。

用作名詞 (n.)
along for the ride
    湊熱鬧,隨大流 present with others but not taking part seriously
take for a ride
    用武力帶走某人并加以謀害 take sb away with force and kill him or her


用作動(dòng)詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+形容詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動(dòng)詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • A charming ride round jungly lanes.

    出自: C. Canning
  • A farmer gave me a ride in a truck.

    出自: R. Brautigan
  • A half hour's ride..on the city's..streetcar line.

    出自: E. Welty
  • Those train rides up north.

    出自: P. Auster
  • The bird rides lightly on the wing.

    出自: R. Mudie
  • Safely and swiftly the fleet rides over the wave.

    出自: C. Bowen
  • Cambridge United this season are riding on the crest of a wave.

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