- Restorative justice is playing a growingly important role in the practice of juvenile criminal judging system of various countries in the world. 恢復性司法在世界各國未成年人刑事審判制度的實(shí)踐中也扮演著(zhù)越來(lái)越重要的角色。
- Restorative justice is known as a new mode of crime treatment. 摘要恢復性司法被認為是一種新型的犯罪處理模式。
- The personal-based outlook in criminal law and criminal contract and restorative justice is the basis of this system. 其理念產(chǎn)生和植根于其所存在社會(huì )的個(gè)人本位刑法觀(guān)、刑事契約觀(guān)和復合正義刑罰觀(guān)。
- Victim-offender-reconciliation, a kind of system dealing with criminal disputes, is born from the theory of restorative justice in western countries. 摘要刑事和解是西方社會(huì )在恢復性司法理念下所孕育的一種刑事案件解決模式。
- Community correction and restorative justice are being practiced in the Netherlands in a variety of ways with positive results. 荷蘭的社區矯正與恢復性司法實(shí)踐活動(dòng),類(lèi)型多樣,效果顯著(zhù)。
- John Braithwaite &Heather Strang.Introduction: Restorative Justice and Civil Society [ M ].Cambridge University, Press 2001.14. 張慶方.;恢復性司法--一種全新的刑事法治模式[M]
- Even if the justice practice in Taiwan failes to exercise adeptly the precise distinction, it may not be the fault of legislation negligence. 縱使臺灣的司法實(shí)務(wù)未能善予運用及精致區別,也未必是肇因于立法的疏誤所致。
- He was sentenced after a Court-ordered restorative justice meeting where members of the public expressed outrage about the tree's destruction. 根據法庭指令而組織的旨在“還諸公道”的公眾集會(huì )上,社區成員對肖之行為表示憤慨。
- Lastly, in virtue of the method of classification to advance justice course, blazing a way in justice practice for our country aftertime. 最后通過(guò)類(lèi)型化來(lái)推進(jìn)司法實(shí)踐的進(jìn)程,對今后的司法實(shí)踐起到引領(lǐng)作用。
- Restorative Justice(RJ,abr) is an alternative dispute resolving system on the basis of the traditional criminal justice. 恢復性司法是在對傳統刑事司法檢討的基礎上衍生出來(lái)的一種替代性刑事案件解決機制。
- With tactful technique and rich experience in PRC's justice practice, Yuanye's lawyers guarantee a swift and effective maintenance for the benefit of our clients. 遠業(yè)擁有訴訟技巧嫻熟、并熟悉中國司法審判制度的律師,為客戶(hù)提供快速有效的服務(wù)。
- Andrew Sanders, John Braithwaite, Restorative Justice and Responsive Regulation, and, Regulation, Crime, Freedom, The Modern Law Review, Vol.66, January 2003. 德國學(xué)者曾圍繞訴訟標的展開(kāi)專(zhuān)門(mén)的討論;]
- The establishment of this system is propitious to divide and demoralize the criminals, make efficient use of the justice resource and suit the need of justice practice. 該制度的確立有利于分化瓦解犯罪人、實(shí)現司法資源的有效使用,以適應我國司法現實(shí)的需要。
- Compared to the retributive justice, restorative justice is a criminal treatment which achieves the restorative effect adopting the restorative procedure. 摘要與傳統的報應性司法相比,恢復性司法是一種通過(guò)恢復性程序實(shí)現恢復性結果的犯罪處理方法。
- Dworkin’s research of Legal Principle maks huge effects to justice practice in America and initiates the research of Dworkin’s Theory of Legal Principle in China. 德沃金對法律原則的研究極大地影響了美國的司法實(shí)踐,且引發(fā)了國內學(xué)者對德沃金法律原則理論的研究。
- Analyzed from the hypothesis as the basis of the criminal justice or the value of the system, restorative justice has quite different concept in contrast to the traditional criminal justice system. 無(wú)論是從構成司法制度基礎的假設還是從制度設計所要實(shí)現的基本價(jià)值分析,恢復性司法都具有與傳統刑事司法制度完全迥異的法哲學(xué)理念。
- The bona fide gains has been accepted and provided in many country s civil law,although the theory hasn t been establisher in our legal system,it has been applied in our country s justice practice. 善意取得制度已被眾多國家民法所確認,我國立法上未確立該項制度,但其已為我國司法實(shí)踐所采納。
- Value judgment is the logical point of departure in considering a series of legal issues, and it provides guidelines for the study of a lot of criminal law issues, among which restorative justice is included. 摘要價(jià)值取向是考慮一系列刑事法律基本問(wèn)題的邏輯起點(diǎn),對于研究包括恢復性司法在內的刑事法律的若干問(wèn)題起著(zhù)重要的指引作用。
- How to settle the confliction between the justice practice and the legislation, and how to punish crime and human rights protection are the questions faced by the criminal law theorist and practice. 立法規定的闕如與司法實(shí)踐的迫切需要之間存在的矛盾如何解決,刑事訴訟懲罰犯罪與人權保障的兩大目的在誘惑偵查中存在沖突如何協(xié)調,是擺在刑事訴訟理論界和實(shí)務(wù)界必須面對的問(wèn)題。
- The concept of restorative Justice is helpful for the construction of harmonious society in China where exist supportive mass foundation, criminal policy, organization guarantee and practical experiences for application of restorative justice. 恢復性司法理念有利于我們的和諧社會(huì )建設,在我國適用恢復性司法存在著(zhù)有利的群眾基礎、政策支持、組織保證和實(shí)踐經(jīng)驗。