- He had the important manner of an official herald. 他像個(gè)神氣十足的官方傳令官。
- The office or residence of an official in the Chinese Empire. 衙門(mén)中國封建時(shí)期官員的辦公地或住所。
- In the process of revision, the regulatory policy of building constraints of farmhouses provoked a wide-scale concern and even resulted in the resignation of an executive officer. 其中有關(guān)農舍興建管制政策于修法過(guò)程中頗受各界矚目,甚有政務(wù)官為農舍興建政策之爭議而辭官,因此該政策之妥適性及相關(guān)法令內容均值得深入探討。
- The hats and canopies of an official can reflect his position, to some extent. 冠蓋在一定程度上能體現這個(gè)官員的職位高低。
- Now take a look the inside of an official retail version of MSI X340! 現在先來(lái)看看正式行貨的拆機照片!
- He had expected that Bethune's arrival meant the beginning of an official inquiry into his work. 他曾以為白求恩的到來(lái)意味著(zhù)正式檢查他的工作。
- They thrash matters out like that,which is a sight more pleasant in my opinion than the atmosphere of an official discussion. 他們那樣討論問(wèn)題,我認為比正式討論的氣氛令人愉快得多。
- Woman with a title conferred by the emperor, usu. The mother or wife of an official. 命婦:封建時(shí)代被賜予封號的婦女,一般為官員的母親、妻子。
- Led to the resignation of President Nixon. 水門(mén)事件導致了尼克松總統的辭職。
- Has arrived in Beijing at the start of an official visit to Mainland China, Hong Kong SAR and Japan. 已經(jīng)抵達北京,開(kāi)始了對中國及其香港特別行政區和日本的官方訪(fǎng)問(wèn)。
- The Illinois senator arrived in Kabul as part of an official congressional delegation. 這位伊力諾依的參議員是以國會(huì )代表團的一名官員的身份出訪(fǎng)的。
- He's of an age when he ought to resign from office. 他已到了該退職的年齡了。
- An example of an official citation to the Code is: 40 C.F.R. pt. 260, which refers to title 40, part 260 of the Code of Federal Regulations. 引用法典的例子有:40 C.;F
- My inn had once been a part of an ancient ecclesiastical house. 我的客棧曾經(jīng)是一個(gè)古老教會(huì )的房子的一部分。
- Printed matter, such as pamphlets, forms, or memorandums, especially of an official nature and deemed of little interest or importance. 公文印刷性的材料,如小冊子,表格或備忘錄,尤指具有官方文件性質(zhì),并無(wú)多大興趣或重要性的文件
- The dismissals followed the resignation of the chairman. 董事長(cháng)辭職后緊接著(zhù)就是解雇人員。
- With the consent of an official veterinarian, operators may harvest or salvage certain condemned meat products for medicinal purposes. 經(jīng)官方獸醫同意,經(jīng)營(yíng)者可以為了醫藥目的而獲得或回收某些禁止食用的肉類(lèi)產(chǎn)品。
- Watergate Scandal led to the resignation of President Nixon. 水門(mén)事件導致了尼克松總統的辭職。
- Napoleon conquered by the force of an iron will. 拿破侖攻無(wú)不克靠的是堅強的意志。