residual milk

  • 殘留奶

residual milk的用法和樣例:


  1. So when a night-nurser has a lot of cavities, dentists like to blame this on the sugar in the breast milk that sits on the teeth overnight.
    因此,當夜奶寶寶出現很多顆齲齒時(shí),牙醫一般都會(huì )將其原因歸咎為母乳中的糖分整夜都殘留在了牙齒上。
  2. Pasteurized milk contains low levels of the type of nonpathogenic bacteria that can cause food spoilage, so storing your pasteurized milk in the refrigerator is still important.
    巴氏消毒奶還會(huì )殘留少量非致病性細菌,這些細菌同樣會(huì )造成失誤腐敗,因此把你的巴氏消毒奶放在冰箱中還是很必要的。
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