- National Toxicology Program - N.T.P. 國際毒性研究所。
- Environmental toxicology is our main research area. 主要從事環(huán)境毒理學(xué)研究。
- Docto rs are not trained in toxicology in medical school. 醫生在醫學(xué)院并未接受毒理學(xué)的訓練。
- And the edible safety was studied by the methods of toxicology. 急性毒理實(shí)驗表明,該色素屬于無(wú)毒物。
- The results of toxicology tests may take several weeks. 而毒物學(xué)檢驗的結果可能要等上數周。
- Toxicology screening studies were limited, but report some positive tests. 毒物學(xué)篩選的研究有限,但有一些陽(yáng)性報道。
- That is, I want to sum up in pharmacology and toxicology studies of the causes. 綜上所述也就是我想要在藥理學(xué)和毒理學(xué)方面深造的原因。
- Objective To investigate the toxicology and biodynamics of silica nanoparticle. 目的:研究硅顆粒制成納米顆粒后的長(cháng)期毒性及生殖毒性。
- Clayton, GD and FE Clayton (eds.) Patty's Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology. 克萊頓,廣東和FE克萊頓(合編)帕蒂的工業(yè)衛生和毒理學(xué)。
- Hormesis has much to prove if it is to revolutionize toxicology, Rodricks notes. 羅卓克斯指出,激效是否會(huì )徹底改變毒物學(xué)的面貌,還有許多尚待證明之處。
- The result is likely to be about 4m toxicology experiments that would not otherwise have happened. 其結果將導致進(jìn)行四百萬(wàn)次毒物學(xué)實(shí)驗,而這些本不該發(fā)生。
- Toxicology tests revealed steroids and prescription drugs were found in the body of pro-wrestler Chris Benoit. 藥檢顯示:前摔跤手克里斯.;本納特的尸體內含有類(lèi)固醇和處方藥。
- Of integrated medical system. Hygienic toxicology and military toxicology belongs to category of preventive medicine. 毒理學(xué)是完整的醫學(xué)體系中的不可或缺的環(huán)節之一。
- Advances in studying on chemical components, pharmacological effect and toxicology of Nauclea L. in recent 10 years are summarized in this paper. 摘要概述了近10年來(lái)茜草科烏檀屬植物的化學(xué)成分、藥理作用、毒理學(xué)的研究進(jìn)展。
- The two-year study conducted by the National Toxicology Program (NTP) shows that animals gien hexaalent chromium deeloped malignant tumors. 這項為期兩年的研究由美國國家毒理學(xué)計劃(NTP)實(shí)施,證實(shí)了動(dòng)物服用六價(jià)鉻后會(huì )發(fā)生惡性腫瘤。
- For the future, there is a need for better culture conditions and more complete system of the drug toxicology research. 在今后的研究中,如何改善肝臟體外模型的培養條件及完善藥物肝臟毒性研究體系是急需解決的課題。
- TOXLINE Core is a MEDLINE subset of journal literature limited to toxicology and environmental health. 后者是美國聯(lián)機醫學(xué)文獻分析和檢索系統的毒理學(xué)和環(huán)境衛生期刊文獻子集。
- Drug Toxicology is the study of the toxic effects and its underlying mechanisms of drugs on living organisms. 藥物毒理學(xué)是一門(mén)研究藥物對生命有機體有害作用及其機制的科學(xué)。
- The paper discussed the characteristic,research area of environmental toxicology. 文章論述了環(huán)境毒理學(xué)的特點(diǎn)、主要研究?jì)热?