- Some 285 authorised institutions (including licensed banks,restricted licence banks and deposit-taking companies) and local representative offices of banks from more than 41 countries conduct business in Hong Kong. 來(lái)自超過(guò)41個(gè)國家的認可機構(包括持牌銀行、有限制牌照銀行和接受存款公司)及海外銀行駐港代表辦事處在本港經(jīng)營(yíng)業(yè)務(wù),這類(lèi)機構為數約285間。
- Annual Survey of Banks, Deposit-taking Companies and Representative Offices of Foreign Banks 銀行、接受存款公司及外地銀行駐港代表辦事處按年統計調查
- They maintained a total of 1 490 offices in Hong Kong and there were 128 representative offices of foreign banks. 外資銀行在港設立的代表辦事處有128間。
- Reply of the General Office of the State Council Concerning the Period for Resident Representative Offices of Banking Institutions With Foreign Capital Residing in China 國務(wù)院辦公廳關(guān)于外資金融機構常駐代表機構駐在期限問(wèn)題的復函
- Foreign establishments"in China refer to foreign diplomatic agencies in China, consulates, resident representative offices in China and offices of foreign non-government organizations in China etc. 駐華機構”是指外國駐華外交機構、領(lǐng)事機構、國際組織駐華代表機構、外國駐華商務(wù)機構和國外民間組織駐華業(yè)務(wù)機構等。
- Under the authorization scope of CIRC, the local branch offices of CIRC take general regulation of those representative offices that are located in their jurisdictions on behalf of CIRC. 中國保監會(huì )派出機構,在中國保監會(huì )授權范圍內,代表中國保監會(huì )對本轄區的代表機構實(shí)施日常監管。
- The subdivisions of insurance companies as referred to in this set of regulations are branch companies, liaison offices, business departments and representative offices of insurance companies. 本規定所稱(chēng)保險公司的分支機構是指保險公司的分公司、支公司、辦事處、營(yíng)業(yè)部、代表處。
- In China, the head office of BPS is established in Shanghai ; we will set up our representative offices in Beijing and Guangzhou respectively in 2008. 中國,碧琨傳動(dòng)系統的總部設在上海,在2008年我們將在北京和廣州分別設有辦事處。
- Hong Kong is honoured to be given the privilege to play host to the Representative Office of BIS in Asia and the Pacific. 國際結算銀行在香港設立亞太區代表辦事處,我們感到十分榮幸。
- The incompatible offices of prosecutor and judge. 檢察官和法官的職位不能由一個(gè)人兼任。
- If you have foreign currency notes, bills of exchange and checks, you can consign a business office of Bank to handle collection or discount. 如您持有外幣本票、票及支票等,可委托銀行的營(yíng)業(yè)網(wǎng)點(diǎn)辦理托收或貼現。
- A STAR is the representative Office of CUS INTERNATIONAL S. R. L. - Italian Garment Trading Company. CUS國際有限公司杭州代表處。
- We are officially authorized as the exclusive representative office of ECOWAS and EBID in China . 奧偉國際擁有西非國家經(jīng)濟共同體聯(lián)盟委員會(huì )的授權,同時(shí)也是西共體投資開(kāi)發(fā)銀行駐中國的代表機構。
- Our Shanghai Representative Office is the sales office of several Italian manufacturing companies in China. 我們的上海代表處是幾家意大利制造商在中國的銷(xiāo)售部.
- There are a wad of bank notes in the bag. 包里有一疊鈔票。
- The representative office of CLNG is located at Ming Wah International Convention Centre in Nanshan, Shenzhen. 代表處設立在深圳市南山區明華國際會(huì )議中心。
- There is a wad of bank note in the bag. 包里有一疊鈔票。
- A representative office of a Haitian company in Beijing promised to help Chen get a visa for the United States. 海地某公司駐北京代表處承諾幫助陳巖取得美國的簽證。
- There is a wad of bank notes in the bag . 包里有一疊鈔票。