- What will you do with the remaining sum? 存款余額您準備怎么處理?
- Please transfer the remaining sum to Hong Kong Bank. 請把余額轉到香港銀行。
- According to the current law, you should pay the remaining sum. 按照現行法律規定,余額必須由你代償。
- Beidasiman is affirmatory: The remaining sum in member card will be returned with postal remittance form still. 貝塔斯曼承諾:會(huì )員卡中的余額將以郵政匯款形式返還。
- After worker or retiree die, the beneficiary beneficiary that remaining sum of account of individual of its enterprise annuity appoints by its or heir at law are one-time get. 職工或退休人員死亡后,其企業(yè)年金個(gè)人帳戶(hù)余額由其指定的受益人或法定繼續人一次性領(lǐng)取。
- The remaining sum of year end account of welfare funds but direct carry forward continues years to use, do not need to undertake handling. 福利費的年末賬戶(hù)余額可直接結轉下年繼續使用;不需要進(jìn)行處理.
- Many players call pair of other sport disinclination, the hope is resumptive remaining sum, or win corresponding compensation. 有不少玩家稱(chēng)對其他游戲不感興趣,希望取回余額,或獲得相應的賠償。
- Lay between a little while, square lady logs onto the bank on the net, use clavier to input a password to inquire remaining sum. 在點(diǎn)擊壓縮文件的同時(shí),方女士的電腦已經(jīng)中毒。
- By the end of 2007, the agricultural bank fords the agriculture to loan 1,209,500,000,000 Yuan, accounts for each loan remaining sum 34.75%. 截至2007年末,農行的涉農貸款12095億元,占各項貸款余額的34.;75%25。
- Current, many players call pair of another game disinclination, the hope is resumptive remaining sum, or win corresponding compensation. 目前,有不少玩家稱(chēng)對另一游戲不感興趣,希望取回余額,或獲得相應的賠償。
- The bonus points makes the cash use computational method: Every 20 bonus points HK 1 use, remaining sum insufficient 20 bonus points, then does not attain the computation. 積分作現金使用計算方法:每20分HK 1元使用,余額不足20分,則不獲計算在內。
- It is known that the baidu has the authentication flow with washes the valuable net basic similar, has used the bankcard remaining sum authentication means. 據了解,百度有啊的認證流程與淘寶網(wǎng)基本相似,都采用了銀行卡余額認證的辦法。
- By company treasurer basic standard sets, business profit is business income subtractive operating costs, during charge and business tax gold and the remaining sum after adding. 按企業(yè)會(huì )計基本準則規定 ,營(yíng)業(yè)利潤為營(yíng)業(yè)收入減去營(yíng)業(yè)成本、期間費用和營(yíng)業(yè)稅金及附加后的余額。
- Granger cause test indicates FDI, surplus of processing trade and remain sum of deposit minus loan are Granger cause of exchange reserve. 格蘭杰因果檢驗表明FDI、加工貿易和存差均是外匯儲備的格蘭杰原因。
- He subscribed a large sum to the relief fund. 他向救濟基金捐贈巨資。
- The total assets that on the amount it is equal to an enterprise is subtractive and total the remaining sum after be in debt, namely several of company net assets.. 在數量上它等于企業(yè)的全部資產(chǎn)減去全部負債后的余額,即企業(yè)凈資產(chǎn)的數...
- Impulse function test shows that FDI, surplus of processing trade and remain sum of deposit minus loan impact exchange reserve positively and persistently. 從脈沖響應函數來(lái)看,FDI、加工貿易和存差均對外匯儲備形成持續的正向沖擊,方差分解顯示FDI流入量對“雙順差”貢獻最大。
- By constructing a VAR model, we test monthly data from 1994 to 2007 of China's exchange reserve, inflow of FDI, surplus of processing trade and remain sum of deposit minus loan. 摘要通過(guò)構建VAR模型,對我國外匯儲備、FDI流入量、加工貿易順差和存差1994-2007年的月度數據進(jìn)行了實(shí)證檢驗。
- He left his job largely because he was homesick. 他辭職不干主要是因為他想家。