- Prices remain stable throughout. 物價(jià)始終保持穩定。
- The development of economy must remain stable. 經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展一定要保持穩定。
- Urban and rural reforms must remain stable for a long time. 城市和農村的改革必須要保持長(cháng)期的穩定。
- A good driver knows how to use tire traction to keep steady. 一個(gè)好的車(chē)手知道如何使用輪胎抓地力來(lái)保持穩定。
- The price will remain stable in the undeveloped countries. 在不發(fā)達國家,物價(jià)會(huì )連續幾年保持不變.
- In spite of the rising production cost, our price have remain stable. 盡管生產(chǎn)成本一直在上升,可我們的價(jià)格卻始終保持穩定。
- If refinery operations smooth out, gas prices could remain stable or even fall. 如果煉油廠(chǎng)恢復運轉,石油價(jià)格就可能保持穩定,甚至還有出現下跌的可能。
- In spite of the rising production cost,our price have remain stable. 盡管生產(chǎn)成本一直在上升,可我們的價(jià)格卻始終保持穩定。
- The industrial production kept steady growth. 工業(yè)生產(chǎn)穩定增長(cháng)。
- Fourth,the international financial and economic environment must remain stable. 第四,國際的金融局勢和經(jīng)濟環(huán)境必須保持穩定。
- These factors predict that the exchange rate of the RMB will remain stable. 因此,人民幣匯率將保持穩定。
- Why was it that our country could remain stable after the June 4th Incident? 為什么“六·四”以后我們的國家能夠很穩定?
- Striving for superexcellent technology-oriented for over 7-year, Tencent keep steady developing space in high speed. 成立7年多以來(lái),騰訊一直以追求卓越的技術(shù)為導向,始終處于穩健、高速發(fā)展的狀態(tài)。
- The dollar broke, but the yen remained stable. 美元貶值,日元卻保持穩定。
- Commodity prices remain stable and there are plenty of goods on the market. 商品價(jià)格平穩,市場(chǎng)貨源充足。
- To deliver a powerful kick, the body needs to remain stable and level. 為了釋放出強有力的蹬腿,身體需要保持穩定和水平位置。
- First is needed to promote the Chinese economy continue to keep steady and rapid development, meanwhile, effectively restrain inflation. 第一,要使中國的經(jīng)濟繼續保持平穩較快發(fā)展,同時(shí)有效地抑制通貨膨脹。
- What factors caused water to accumulate and remain stable at these sites? 是哪些因素讓水可以在這些地點(diǎn)累積并且保持穩定呢?
- Meanwhile, price has remained stable. 同時(shí),價(jià)格現在也保持在零以上的區間運行。
- Heat-extracting rate can keep steady during a long time according to the analysis of extracting energy from HDR, which is believed to have a high application potential. 根據熱量提取分析可知干熱巖在相當長(cháng)的時(shí)間內保持穩定的熱量提取速率,具有很高的實(shí)用經(jīng)濟價(jià)值。