- Existing private religious schools can convert to the state sector. 現有的私立宗教學(xué)??梢赞D成國立學(xué)校。
- The religious school opened and I put in a sullen attendance. 宗教學(xué)校開(kāi)學(xué)了,我悶悶不樂(lè )地去上學(xué)。
- Like her siblings, Jenny was enrolled in our synagogue's religious school. 珍妮跟她的兄妹一樣參加了我們的猶太教會(huì )學(xué)校。
- Now, Jenny is a teacher's aide in the religious school's kindergarten. 珍妮現在是教會(huì )學(xué)校幼兒班老師的助手。
- In addition,there are 74 religious schools and colleges run by religious organizations for training clerical personnel. 宗教團體還辦有培養宗教教職人員的宗教院校74所。
- The various religious schools and institutes set up by the different religious organizations teach religious knowledge in line with their own needs. 在各宗教組織開(kāi)辦的宗教院校中,根據各教需要進(jìn)行宗教專(zhuān)業(yè)教育。
- Diocesan and Religious schools may provide special care other than the free education to the children of poor families. 教區及修會(huì )學(xué)校為貧窮家庭子女提供免費教育以外的特別照顧。
- China now has 2,000 religious social organizations and 48 religious schools and colleges. 中國目前有宗教社會(huì )團體有2000多個(gè),宗教院校48所。
- In addition, there are 74 religious schools and colleges run by religious organizations for training clerical personnel. 宗教團體還辦有培養宗教教職人員的宗教院校74所。
- At first they were mainly foreign but now they tend to be Somali boys educated in the movement's religious schools. 這些自殺襲擊者該開(kāi)始主要是國外的,現在轉向于該運動(dòng)宗教學(xué)校的索馬里孩子。
- Most religious schools turned out to have more than their fair share of bright, well-off kids, and correspondingly fewer stragglers and poor ones. 結果宗教學(xué)??偸菗碛懈嗦斆?,有錢(qián)的孩子,當然相應的落后者與窮學(xué)生就少了。
- This temple is still the headquarters of the Jodo Shinshu religious school which is a sect of Zen buddhism. 現在這座寺廟仍然是凈土真宗教學(xué)院的總部。凈土真宗是佛教禪宗的一個(gè)派別。
- She proposed that, when the fall school term started, I should be enrolled in the religious school rather than a secular one. 她建議說(shuō)秋季學(xué)校一開(kāi)學(xué),我就該進(jìn)宗教學(xué)校,而不是進(jìn)世俗學(xué)校。
- Most religious schools turned out to have more than their fair share of bright, well-off kids,shoes, and correspondingly fewer stragglers and poor ones. 結果,大多數信教學(xué)校比其他學(xué)校是有更多聰明、幸運的孩子,并且有相對少數的落后貧窮的孩子。
- Mr Barak's majority in parliament will disappear if Shas carries out its threat to withdraw because of a dispute over the funding and control of religious schools. 沙斯黨因向教會(huì )學(xué)校撥款和學(xué)校管理等爭端威脅將退出聯(lián)合政府,如果它付諸行動(dòng),巴拉克在議會(huì )中的多數派地位將消失。
- All religious bodies play an important role in training, fostering, educating and administering their clergy and establishing and running religious schools, as well as in international religious exchanges. 在宗教教職人員的培養、教育和管理,宗教學(xué)校的設置,以及開(kāi)展國際間宗教交流活動(dòng)等方面,各宗教團體都發(fā)揮著(zhù)重要的作用。
- All religious bodies play an important role in training,fostering,educating and administering their clergy and establishing and running religious schools,as well as in international religious exchanges. 在宗教教職人員的培養、教育和管理,宗教學(xué)校的設置,以及開(kāi)展國際間宗教交流活動(dòng)等方面,各宗教團體都發(fā)揮著(zhù)重要的作用。
- Religious organizations in China run their own affairs independently and set up religious schools,publish religious classics and periodicals,and run social services according to their own needs. 中國各宗教團體自主地辦理教務(wù),并根據需要開(kāi)辦宗教院校,印刷發(fā)行宗教經(jīng)典,出版宗教刊物,興辦社會(huì )公益服務(wù)事業(yè)。
- Religious organizations in China run their own affairs independently and set up religious schools, publish religious classics and periodicals, and run social services according to their own needs. 中國各宗教團體自主地辦理教務(wù),并根據需要開(kāi)辦宗教院校,印刷發(fā)行宗教經(jīng)典,出版宗教刊物,興辦社會(huì )公益服務(wù)事業(yè)。
- If he is successful, even students in religious schools may be affected, as all private religious schools which accept government funding must prove that they are using the BC Curriculum. 假如成功的話(huà),甚至有宗教信仰的學(xué)校也會(huì )受影響,因為所有接受政府資助的私立學(xué)校必須證明他們一致采用該省的課程。