- This became dramatically clear in Roosevelt's first hard fight in Congress for reforming legislation. 這一點(diǎn),在羅斯福首次在國會(huì )爭取改革立法的頑強斗爭中,表現得特別清楚。
- They essentially were outlawed by recent campaign finance reform legislation, the McCain Feingold Bill. 最新的競選財務(wù)改革法案把它定為非法是為了限制,清理,整頓選舉捐款。
- In Artesia, New Mexico, not far from the US-Mexico border, President Bush is pushing immigration reform legislation. 布什總統計劃在距美-墨邊境不遠的美國新墨西哥州的阿特西亞推動(dòng)一項移民政策改革的立法。
- The House and Senate have passed drastically different versions of immigration reform legislation and now face the task of merging them into one compromise bill. 美國國會(huì )眾議院和參議院分別通過(guò)了各自截然不同的移民改革法案,現在參眾兩院必須把這兩項法案合并成一個(gè)折衷法案。
- Fortunately, the version of credit card reform legislation approved today aims to protect consumers under age 21 from getting deluged with unsolicited credit card offers. 幸運的是,今天通過(guò)了信用卡改革立法,旨在保護21歲以下的消費者免受主動(dòng)提供服務(wù)的信用卡商洪水般的進(jìn)攻。
- The Senate passed immigration reform legislation last year with the guest worker provision, but the legislation died because the House of Representatives never acted on the measure. 參議院在去年就通過(guò)了移民改革法案,其中包括有關(guān)外來(lái)勞工的條款。但是這項法案因白宮代表從未執行而流于破產(chǎn)。
- Congress is expected to consider immigration reform legislation, including efforts to attract more high-skilled workers and streamline the visa application process in the coming weeks. 國會(huì )期望于近幾周內考慮入境改革的立法,包括吸引更多高技術(shù)人才和改進(jìn)簽證申請過(guò)程的措施。
- He stressed that the Mai-Astoria fraud case for the implementation of the National Assembly since the Great Depression of the largest financial market reform legislation provided a reason. 他強調,麥道夫欺詐案為國會(huì )實(shí)行大蕭條以來(lái)規模最大的一次金融市場(chǎng)法規改革提供了理由。
- They essentially were outlawed by recent campaign finance reform legislation, the McCain Feingold Bill.Outlawing soft money was intended to limit, clarify, and clean up election fundraising. 最新的競選財務(wù)改革法案把它定為非法是為了限制,清理,整頓選舉捐款。
- Consequently, the pricing reformation of water supplying must be perfected from the subject and object of pricing, reformation legislation, and other related supporting policy and so on. 因此,中國城市自來(lái)水的定價(jià)改革必須從獨立的定價(jià)主體和客體、改革立法和相關(guān)配套政策等方面進(jìn)行完善。
- The legislation was made retrospective. 該項法規具有追溯效力。
- Legislation will be difficult and take time. 立法將是困難而又費時(shí)的。
- Legislation is not in the President's power. 立法不是總統的權力。
- Senate Majority Leader Introduces Immigration Reform Legislation 參議院多數黨領(lǐng)袖提出移民改革議案
- There are signs that he's reforming. 有跡象表明他在變好。
- Legislation is the duty of a congress. 立法是國會(huì )的職責。
- They called for a radical reform of our tax system. 他們要求對稅收制度進(jìn)行根本改革。
- The bill seek to repeal the existing legislation. 該議案企圖廢除現存的有關(guān)立法。
- This judge is a strong advocate of prison reform. 這位法官是監獄改革的堅決擁護者。
- The conservationists will not take kindly to the legislation. 自然資源保護論者對這項立法不會(huì )做出善意的反應。