- This paper centers around how to reduce cost of SPT. 本文主要研究如何降低最短路徑樹(shù)的總代價(jià),在確保傳送時(shí)延最小的同時(shí)盡量降低帶寬消耗。;
- Vindicate the benefit of the company. Keep good image of the company. Reduce cost of the project. 維護公司利益,注意公司形象,降低項目成本。
- Detailed analysis skills of trouble shooting Internal Process and Customer Return to reduce cost of Poor Quality. 掌握有關(guān)內部流程及客戶(hù)退貨問(wèn)題分析的詳盡技巧以降低由于低品質(zhì)產(chǎn)生的成本。
- Ex factory price; price ex factory; factory gate price The manufacturing cost excluding cost of distribution. 出廠(chǎng)價(jià)格,出廠(chǎng)價(jià)指制造成本,不包括銷(xiāo)售成本。
- To reduce cost of the two dimension position system,a method using linear array charge coupled device(CCD)was proposed. 為了降低二維位置定位系統的成本;提出了一種基于線(xiàn)陣列電荷耦合器件(CCD)的測量方法.
- Multiple ribbon sub-units in the cable also reduce cost of installation and complexity by limiting the need for furcation tubes within a rack. 通過(guò)限制支架內分支管的數量,光纜中的多個(gè)光纖帶子單元還降低了安裝成本和復雜性。
- "Involving market penetration, technological know-how, reducing costs of distribution and transportation, labour, raw materials and political factors." 它包括開(kāi)創(chuàng )市
- The Agilent N5183A MXG is an economy class, signal generator specifically designed to maximize uptime and reduce cost of ownership. 安捷倫N5183A MXG是一款經(jīng)濟型,連續波信號發(fā)生器,專(zhuān)門(mén)設計用于優(yōu)化正常運行時(shí)間并減少成本。
- The cost of travel to the far east is prohibitive. 到遠東旅游的費用高的令人不敢問(wèn)津。
- To assist the production and project improve quality further,and improve production efficiency and reduce cost of quality, etc. 協(xié)助生產(chǎn)與項目工程進(jìn)一步提升品質(zhì)、提高生產(chǎn)效率,減少質(zhì)量成本等;
- His parents balk at the cost of the guitar he want. 他想要那個(gè)吉他,但他父母看到吉他的價(jià)格卻躊躇不決。
- The move that exposed sexier idea to control girls inside very long period of time more holds a level, also let firm of clothing factory firm reduce cost of a raw material. 越暴露越性感的想法在很長(cháng)一段時(shí)間內左右了姑娘們的著(zhù)裝標準,也讓服裝廠(chǎng)狠狠降低了一把原料成本。
- Can you please tell me who is in charge of distribution? 能否告訴我哪能一位是銷(xiāo)售部門(mén)的主管。
- Experiment results show that this method can effectively reduce the time cost of MPEG-4 video decoding, especially for the applications of distributive video in NC environment. 實(shí)驗結果表明,該方法能有效地降低MPEG-4視頻解碼的時(shí)間開(kāi)銷(xiāo),適合于NC環(huán)境下的視頻分發(fā)應用。
- The full cost of the holiday fell upon me. 度假的全部費用都甩給我支付。
- The policy will put on the cost of living. 這些政策將使生活費上漲。
- The retailer has to absorb the cost of wastage. 零售商須承受耗損的費用。
- After achieving radial network structure planning, the matrix of path of plan area was calculated.The matrix of path reflects construction cost of connected line of distribution network. 在輻射狀網(wǎng)架規劃完成后,計算待規劃區域的路徑矩矩陣,該矩陣反應了配電網(wǎng)聯(lián)絡(luò )線(xiàn)的建設費用。
- The company bears the legal cost of both parties. 公司負擔雙方當事人的法律費用。
- Thus enhancing security and reliability of equipment is the only way to reduce costs of production and maintenance. 由此,提高設備運行的安全性、可靠性,是降低生產(chǎn)成本和維護費用的唯一途經(jīng)。