- It goes without saying they will tighten their reactionary rule at home. 不用說(shuō),他們會(huì )強化國內的反動(dòng)統治。
- Under the reactionary rule the people were not given the freedom of speech. 在反動(dòng)統治下,人民得不到言論自由。
- Driven beyond the limits of forbearance, the people rose up in arms and in the end toppled Chiang's reactionary rule. 廣大人民忍無(wú)可忍,奮起斗爭,終于推翻了蔣介石的反動(dòng)統治。
- Driven beyond the limits of forbearance,the people rose up in arms and in the end toppled Chiang's reactionary rule. 廣大人民忍無(wú)可忍,奮起斗爭,終于推翻了蔣介石的反動(dòng)統治。
- The reactionary ruling clique was torn by internal strife. 反動(dòng)統治集團內部勾心斗角,四分五裂。
- Later, Lu Xun used this folktale in an essay opposing the reactionary rule of the forces of darkness. 后來(lái),他把這個(gè)民間故事寫(xiě)在一篇反對黑暗反動(dòng)統治的雜文里。
- The reactionary ruling clique is torn by internal strife. 反動(dòng)統治集團內部勾心斗角,四分五裂。
- These Political Consultative Conference agreements were, in varying degrees, favourable to the people and unfavourable to Chiang Kai-shek's reactionary rule. 政治協(xié)商會(huì )議的這些協(xié)議,在各種不同程度上有利于人民而不利于蔣介石的反動(dòng)統治。
- The reactionary rule is doomed. 反動(dòng)統治注定要垮臺。
- The overthrow of the reactionary rule of imperialism,feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism helped release the productive forces of the Chinese people. This was revolution,so revolution means the emancipation of the productive forces. 推翻帝國主義、封建主義、官僚資本主義的反動(dòng)統治,使中國人民的生產(chǎn)力獲得解放,這是革命,所以革命是解放生產(chǎn)力。
- The sinister purpose of the reactionary ruling class was covered over with pretentious rhetoric. 反動(dòng)統治階級的險惡目的被夸夸其談的辭藻掩蓋著(zhù)。
- It encouraged and assisted Dr. Sun in reorganizing the Kuomintang,effected the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party and launched the Northern Expedition against the reactionary rule of the warlords. 它推動(dòng)和協(xié)助孫中山改組國民黨,實(shí)行國共合作,發(fā)動(dòng)反對軍閥統治的北伐戰爭。
- A fundamental change took place only after the Chinese people,under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party,overthrew the Kuomintang reactionary rule and founded the People's Republic of China. 直到中國共產(chǎn)黨領(lǐng)導全國人民推翻了國民黨的反動(dòng)統治,建立了中華人民共和國之后,這種狀況才發(fā)生根本的變化。
- The overthrow of the reactionary rule of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism helped release the productive forces of the Chinese people. This was revolution, so revolution means the emancipation of the productive forces. 推翻帝國主義、封建主義、官僚資本主義的反動(dòng)統治,使中國人民的生產(chǎn)力獲得解放,這是革命,所以革命是解放生產(chǎn)力。
- This applies to countries where class contradictions are acute and the war benefits only the reactionary ruling strata or the reactionary political groups in power. 這是說(shuō)的階級矛盾劇烈,而戰爭的利益僅僅屬于反動(dòng)的統治階層乃至反動(dòng)的當權政派的那種國家。
- He was free from all sycophancy or obsequiousness in the face of the reactionary ruling class. 他在反動(dòng)統治階級面前沒(méi)有絲毫的奴顏與媚骨。
- Some are wholly in the service of the reactionary ruling classes and thus stand in an antagonistic relationship to manual workers. 有些人是完全為反動(dòng)統治階級服務(wù)的,他們同從事體力勞動(dòng)的勞動(dòng)者處在對立的地位。
- They are totally different from those politicians who rack their brains for expedients of direct service to the reactionary ruling classes. 他們同那些絞盡腦汁直接為反動(dòng)統治階級出謀劃策的政客是截然不同的。
- Only thus is it possible to create tremendous difficulties for the reactionary ruling classes, shake their foundations and hasten their internal disintegration. 必須這樣,才能給反動(dòng)統治階級以甚大的困難,動(dòng)搖其基礎而促進(jìn)其內部的分解。
- Before liberation, the minority nationalities, like the majority of the Han people, suffered under severe oppression by the reactionary ruling class. 解放前,少數民族人民同廣大漢族人民一樣,深受反動(dòng)統治階級的壓迫。