- When Muslim parents reach old age, they are treated mercifully, with kindness and selflessness. 當穆斯林父母年事漸高,我們必須以仁慈與無(wú)私的精神寬厚地對待他們。
- The workers can get assistance and compensation when they reach old age or when falling ill, suffering job injuries, unemployment or giving birth. 使勞動(dòng)者在年老、患病、工傷、失業(yè)、生育等情況下獲得幫助和補償。
- If either or both of them reach old age with you, do not say 'uff' to them or chide them, but speak to them in terms of honor and kindness. 如果他倆中的一人或者兩人在你的堂上達到老邁,那末,你不要對他倆說(shuō):“呸!”
- When he reached old age he ceded his body and let go of the heavy burden. 當他年老時(shí),他交出身體,放下沉重的包袱。
- God has said: Your Lord has commanded that you worship none But Him, and that you be kind to your parents. If one of them or Both of them reach old age with you, do not say to them a word of disrespect, or scold them, But say a generous word to them. 真主說(shuō)道:你的主曾下令說(shuō):“你們應當只崇拜他,應當孝敬父母。如果他倆中的一人或者兩人在你的堂上達到老邁,那末,你不要對他倆說(shuō):‘呸!’不要喝斥他倆
- Happily married and together reach old age 百年偕老
- They have reached old age. 他們已屆高齡。
- A couple of Windflower means living a long life and reaching old age together, it Makes up with peony presenting the rich and powerful till old age, namely the rich and powerful all one\'s life. 和牡丹組合則寓富貴白頭,即終生富貴之意。牡丹亦常和竹(代表平安)、石(代表長(cháng)壽)、蘭組合表達人們健康長(cháng)壽,平安富貴的愿望。
- Her widowhood condemns her to a lonely old age. 守寡使她不得不過(guò)著(zhù)孤獨的晚年生活。
- We have saved some money against our old age. 我們存了一些錢(qián),以備老年之用。
- He has dotage because of old age. 他因年老而糊里糊涂。
- He kicked in at the ripe old age of90. 他在九十高齡時(shí)去世。
- Old age and infirmity have begin to catch up with him. 他開(kāi)始顯出年老體衰的樣子了。
- Old age disabled him for hard labour. 年邁使他不能干繁重的工作。
- Old age hasn't dimmed her memory. 她雖然年事已高,但記憶并未模糊。
- Disorders of old age are generally not exogenous. 老年疾病通長(cháng)都不是起于外因的。
- His activities were restricted by old age. 他的活動(dòng)因年事已高而受到限制。
- My children, my props in old age. 我的孩子們是我暮年的靠山
- Infirmity often comes with old age. 虛弱常隨年老而來(lái)。
- In the old ages, lepers were often put into fire. 在過(guò)去,麻瘋病患者經(jīng)常被扔進(jìn)大火中燒死。