- The dynamic performance of a ram air system will vary with Mach number and altitude and this tends to follow the aerodynamic characteristics of the missle. 像導彈空氣動(dòng)力特性一樣,沖壓空氣式系統的動(dòng)態(tài)特性隨馬赫數和高度的變化而變化。
- The dynamic performance of a ram air system will vary with Mach number and altitude and this tends to follow the aerodynamic characteristics of the missile. 像導彈空氣動(dòng)力特性一樣,沖壓空氣式系統的動(dòng)態(tài)特性隨馬赫數和高度的變化而變化。
- Honeywell APU, ram air turbine and environmental control system. 蜂窩孔動(dòng)力輔助裝置,沖壓空氣渦輪%2526環(huán)境控制系統。
- The brakes are cooled by ram air lead in by a light composite duct. 由輕量化材料制成的導管引導氣流以冷卻剎車(chē)。
- Reverse-bootstrap air cooling system for electronic components has two cooling modes:the low ram air speed cooling mode and the high ram air speed cooling mode. 分析了目前國內一些飛機基于三點(diǎn)溫度控制方案的逆升壓電子設備冷卻系統的缺陷,提出了一種新的系統控制方案,即基于飛行速度和高度的逆升壓電子設備冷卻系統的控制方案。
- In the meantime, it is compared with high-pressure dewater system on system bleed air flow, ram air flow, system weight and system coefficient of performance. 并在系統引氣量、沖壓空氣流量、系統重量、系統性能代償損失等方面與現有高壓除水系統進(jìn)行了比較。
- Control valve in an air system for setting volume and pressure. 為了保持流量和壓力的空氣系統的控制閥門(mén)。
- The condensed water separated from the air-conditioning system of an airplane is sprayed in the cold side of the radiator, and the heat transfer and the state change of water in the process of its spraying to the ram air are analyzed. 將飛機空調系統中水分離器分離出的游離水噴到散熱器的冷邊,并對水噴到?jīng)_壓空氣中的狀態(tài)變化過(guò)程和傳熱過(guò)程進(jìn)行分析和計算。
- The status of development of the technology of environmental control system(ECS) for avionics pods was introduced, a new type re cool reverse boot strap ram air circle cooling scheme of ECS for pods was brought forward. 介紹了國外機載設備吊艙環(huán)境控制系統技術(shù)發(fā)展的狀況 ;提出了一種新的回冷逆升壓式?jīng)_壓空氣循環(huán)制冷的吊艙環(huán)控系統方案 .
- General Ventilators 、 Make-up Air Systems etc. 一般通風(fēng)設備、空調箱等。
- The secondary air system on the cylinder reduce the emission of the exhaustgas. 汽缸體上設置二次補氣系統,有效降低排放。
- For example there are no ram air scoops on the roof, and no air vents on the wheel arches. 例如,沒(méi)有沖壓空氣水壺的屋頂上,并沒(méi)有通風(fēng)口的輪拱。
- Wind tunnel test is an important phase in the development of ram air parachutes. 沖壓翼傘的風(fēng)洞試驗是研制沖壓翼傘過(guò)程中的一項重要內容。
- Forced air systems send heated air through ductwork. 機械通風(fēng)通過(guò)管道系統來(lái)輸送熱空氣。
- Now he knows his way around the boat, sir, he knows the engines, the compressed air system, the batteries, all that. 長(cháng)官,他對艦上的事是懂的,象機器、空氣壓縮系統、電池組什么的,他全懂。
- Calculation and comparison between the fan-coil add new air system and VRV system were proposed in the paper. 選用普通間冷風(fēng)機盤(pán)管加新風(fēng)系統和變頻系統與數碼渦旋系統進(jìn)行比較計算。
- In the year 2007,Central Fresh Air System ,branded Venson entered China formally . 2007年,聞森品牌中央新風(fēng)系統正式入駐中國。
- There are six dampers, which are double louver type and which are equipped with the seal air system. 有六塊檔板,都是雙擋板并帶有密封空氣系統。
- For a typical single duct air system there will be one zone supply air path and one zone return air path. 對于典型的單管空調系統,一般由一條區域送風(fēng)路徑和一條區域回風(fēng)路徑組成。