- Will the Central Bank raise interest rate? 央行是否加息?
- The fed is not likely to raise interest rate very soon again. 聯(lián)邦儲備委員會(huì )最近不會(huì )馬上又提高利率。
- Only the European Central Bank has signalled that it will raise interest rates. 只有歐洲中央銀行表示會(huì )提息。
- The Bank of Japan yesterday began a two-day policy board meeting amid political pressure not to raise interest rates. 昨日開(kāi)始召開(kāi)為期兩天的政策會(huì )議。該機構正面臨不要加息的政治壓力。
- But the real clincher for me is this: Citi plans to raise interest rates on its credit cards. 但是真正讓我受不了的是:花旗銀行計劃增加信用卡的利率。
- TOSHIHIKO FUKUI, the wily governor of the Bank of Japan (BoJ), would dearly like to raise interest rates. 福井俊彥,老謀深算的日本央行行長(cháng),曾經(jīng)表示加息是”不可避免”的措施。
- But if they act too soon and raise interest rates too much, the economy could crash again. 而如果他們過(guò)早行動(dòng)或是過(guò)多提高利率的話(huà),經(jīng)濟也會(huì )再次面臨崩潰。
- The Committee said most countries chose to raise interest rates to protect their currencies. 委員會(huì )說(shuō),大多數國家選擇了提高利率來(lái)保護他們的貨幣。
- On the other hand,if the economy has been booming and inflation is high,there is a greater chance that the Central Bank will raise interest rates. 另一方面,如果經(jīng)濟蓬勃發(fā)展,通貨膨脹率也高,中央銀行調高利率的可能性很高。
- As the global economy continues to gyrate, you'll hear more and more people calling for the Federal Reserve to either lower or raise interest rates. 對一般人來(lái)說(shuō)有件怪事,這次的經(jīng)濟問(wèn)題不像從前是錢(qián)不夠 -- 事實(shí)上是,這次是錢(qián)太多了。
- But inflation will help the commodities producers, Ashmore points out, while other emerging markets may continue to raise interest rates. 但安石指出,通脹將有利于大宗商品生產(chǎn)國,而其他新興市場(chǎng)可能會(huì )繼續加息。
- Bank of England raises interest rates as economy sizzles. 經(jīng)濟形式良好,英國央行調高利率。
- Most of the current macroeconomic signals augur well Shengxi trend to raise interest rates should be the inevitable outcome of macro-control situation. 當前多數宏觀(guān)經(jīng)濟信號都預示著(zhù)升息趨勢,提高利率應該是宏觀(guān)調控因勢利導的必然結果。
- It would send financial markets reeling and tie the hands of the Fed, perhaps forcing it to raise interest rates even as recession looms. 它會(huì )發(fā)出金融市場(chǎng)調整,并能借助于美聯(lián)儲迫使它提高利率,否則將是經(jīng)濟衰退的威脅。
- It also hamstrings the Fed, making it difficult to raise interest rates to curb inflation for fear of worsening the housing and financial crises. 也會(huì )最終致殘美聯(lián)儲,由于它當心房屋市場(chǎng)和金融危機的惡化,使得它很難升息以抑制通脹。
- Once the economic recovery, too much may impede long-term loan capital and return the central bank to raise interest rates. 一旦經(jīng)濟復蘇,過(guò)多的長(cháng)期貸款可能會(huì )阻礙央行回籠資金和提高利率。
- And central bankers will struggle to do more than raise interest rates modestly, as worries about recovery trump fears of inflation. 由于有擔心稱(chēng)經(jīng)濟復蘇的喜悅會(huì )蒙蔽住通貨膨脹的憂(yōu)慮,所以央行奮勇拼搏的不止是適度提高利率。
- Adding to pressure on the dollar, European Central Bank president * suggested that the E.C.B. will raise interest rates next month. 為了給美元施加壓力,歐洲中央銀行主席*建議歐洲中央銀行在下個(gè)月提高利率。
- If one bank raises interest rates, all the others will follow their lead. 要是有一家銀行提高利率,所有其他銀行都會(huì )效法。
- Luxembourg Prime Minister, ECOFIN President and Eurogroup President Jean-Claude Juncker feels, however, that it is not necessary to raise interest rates. 然而盧森堡總理兼歐元區財政部長(cháng)會(huì )議主席揚克卻認為升息無(wú)必要性。