
[re?z]     [re?z]    
  • n. 上升;增高;高地
  • vt. 升起;舉起;飼養;提出;引起;籌集,募集
raiser raised raised raising raises



n. (名詞)
  1. 增加,提高
  2. <美>加薪
  3. 加薪額
  4. 拱高路段
  5. 上升
  6. 升起,抬起
  7. 高起處,隆起處
  8. 【礦】天井
  9. 加價
  10. 加賭注
  11. 籌措,籌募
v. (動詞)
  1. 提高,增加,提升,升高,升起
  2. 使復活
  3. 飼養
  4. 喚起,引起,引起
  5. 提出
  6. 種植
  7. 豎起,舉起, 揚起,抬起,立起
  8. 集結
  9. 發出
  10. 養育
  11. 建起,建造,建立
  12. 使起立,起身,站立
  13. 撈起,打撈(沉船),使浮起
  14. 籌,招
  15. 增加賭注


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 提起,舉起,豎起 lift; push or move upward
  2. vt. 增加; 提升 increase in amount, size, etc.; bring to a higher level, rank, or degree
  3. vt. 撫養 produce, cause to grow or develop, and look after (living things)
n. (名詞)
  1. [C](工資,薪金的)提升,增加 a salary raise


  1. the amount a salary is increased;

    "he got a 3% raise"
    "he got a wage hike"

  2. an upward slope or grade (as in a road);

    "the car couldn't make it up the rise"

  3. increasing the size of a bet (as in poker);

    "I'll see your raise and double it"

  4. the act of raising something;

    "he responded with a lift of his eyebrow"
    "fireman learn several different raises for getting ladders up"

  1. raise the level or amount of something;

    "raise my salary"
    "raise the price of bread"

  2. raise from a lower to a higher position;

    "Raise your hands"
    "Lift a load"

  3. cause to be heard or known; express or utter;

    "raise a shout"
    "raise a protest"
    "raise a sad cry"

  4. collect funds for a specific purpose;

    "The President raised several million dollars for his college"

  5. cultivate by growing, often involving improvements by means of agricultural techniques;

    "The Bordeaux region produces great red wines"
    "They produce good ham in Parma"
    "We grow wheat here"
    "We raise hogs here"

  6. bring up;

    "raise a family"
    "bring up children"

  7. summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic;

    "raise the specter of unemployment"
    "he conjured wild birds in the air"
    "call down the spirits from the mountain"

  8. move upwards;

    "lift one's eyes"

  9. construct, build, or erect;

    "Raise a barn"

  10. call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses);

    "arouse pity"
    "raise a smile"
    "evoke sympathy"

  11. create a disturbance, especially by making a great noise;

    "raise hell"
    "raise the roof"
    "raise Cain"

  12. raise in rank or condition;

    "The new law lifted many people from poverty"

  13. increase;

    "This will enhance your enjoyment"
    "heighten the tension"

  14. give a promotion to or assign to a higher position;

    "John was kicked upstairs when a replacement was hired"
    "Women tend not to advance in the major law firms"
    "I got promoted after many years of hard work"

  15. cause to puff up with a leaven;

    "unleavened bread"

  16. bid (one's partner's suit) at a higher level

  17. bet more than the previous player

  18. cause to assemble or enlist in the military;

    "raise an army"
    "recruit new soldiers"

  19. put forward for consideration or discussion;

    "raise the question of promotions"
    "bring up an unpleasant topic"

  20. pronounce (vowels) by bringing the tongue closer to the roof of the mouth;

    "raise your `o'"

  21. activate or stir up;

    "raise a mutiny"

  22. establish radio communications with;

    "They managed to raise Hanoi last night"

  23. multiply (a number) by itself a specified number of times: 8 is 2 raised to the power 3

  24. bring (a surface or a design) into relief and cause to project;

    "raised edges"

  25. invigorate or heighten;

    "lift my spirits"
    "lift his ego"

  26. put an end to;

    "lift a ban"
    "raise a siege"

  27. cause to become alive again;

    "raise from the dead"
    "Slavery is already dead, and cannot be resurrected"
    "Upraising ghosts"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The percentage of the pay raise equals the increase in prices.
  2. He got a raise in monthly wages.
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. The first thing that we did when we conquered the town was to haul down the enemy's flag and raise our own.
  2. The guesture might come from Rome, when people raise the right hand to show their extolling and respect for the empire.
  3. Many western countries raise and butcher a large number of beef cattle.
  4. I had asked everyone to raise questions in advance of the meeting.
  5. I wonder how he actually plucked up his nerve to raise that ridiculous question.
  6. Your speech and action will raise Cain.
  7. These two-way TV systems raise serious questions about privacy.


用作動詞 (v.)
用作及物動詞 S+~+ n./pron.
  1. When he saw the principal, he raised his hand in salutation.
  2. I'll raise both hands in favour of damming the river.
  3. From then on we raised our heads and became our own masters.
  4. Slowly he raised his bow and began to take aim at the bird.
  5. Raise the overturned lamp.
  6. The car raised a dust as it went by.
  7. They raised their output by more than half in less than three years.
  8. We must do everything we can to raise the people's living standards.
  9. None of them raised any objection.
  10. Why didn't you raise the question at the meeting?
  11. As no one raised his voice against the plan, it was agreed on.
  12. They decided to raise money by subscription.
  13. How were they going to raise enough money for it?
  14. They helped us to raise the 200,000 yuan fund for the school buildings.
  15. They are proud to have raised such a fine son.
  16. They increased their income by raising silkworms and so on.
  17. The old man likes raising rabbits, chickens, dogs and horses.
  18. They distinguished themselves by raising 180 kg of ginned cotton per mu last year.
  19. This will enable them to raise bigger crops.
  20. They raised five thousand chrysanthemums last year.
  21. According to the school regulation anyone who raises the devil on the school campus will be punished.
  22. The children are raising the devil in the next room, tell them to keep quiet.
  23. The disco party raised the roof until the small hours of the morning.
  24. He would raise the roof over her slightest mistake or shortcoming.
  25. What he said to me raised my hopes.
  26. They were all looking a bit miserable but Barry soon raised a laugh by telling a few jokes.
  27. Brenda's ambition is to get a supervisor's job, but I've raised my sights a bit higher than that.
  28. He raised a row when he found that someone had damaged the machine.
  29. Dad raised an awful stink when he saw what the children's cricket match had done to the lawn.
  30. Don't raise your voice to me!
  31. We all raised our eyebrows when we heard that two young men had beaten a tiger to death bare-handed.
  32. Many people raised their eyebrows at the news that their director had been removed from office.
  33. I think we should raise our glasses to our hostess.
  34. I raise my glass to the happy pair, wishing them a long life together.
  35. Ladies and Gentlemen, please raise your glasses to the bride and bridegroom.
  36. At the dinner, we all raised our glasses to the eighty-year-old man, wishing him a happy birthday.
  37. Don't you dare raise a hand to my son!
  38. Like all children, my boys were naughty when they were young, but I never raised a hand to them.
  39. He was good-tempered and never raised his hand to his children.
  40. 1
  41. The water level has been raised by 1.1 metres.
  42. The building was raised on level ground.
  43. That was the way he was raised.
  44. She was raised in Guangzhou.
用作賓補動詞 S+~+ n./pron. +to be n./adj.
  1. We want to raise our children to be decent men and women.
  2. You raise your voice to be loud!
其他 v -ed as Attrib.
  1. Water raised by the electrified pumping stations poured into the terraced fields.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. He went to ask for a raise.
  2. The workers went on strike for a raise.
  3. The trade unions bargained away their rights in exchange for a small pay raise.


用作動詞 (v.)
raise to (v.+prep.)
    提到; 提升到 heighten; promote
    raise sb/sth to sth

    She raised her finger to her lips as a sign of silence.


    She raised the fallen child to his feet.


    He was raised to the position of manager.


    His salary was raised to 2000 dollars a year.



用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Take my hand and raise me.

    出自: E. W. Lane



v. (動詞)
  1. raise的基本意思是“向上動”“從低處向高處上升”,可指不太費力地將物體舉向高處或將其從較低的平面移至較高的平面,也可指把某物垂直豎起來(即一頭著地)。raise也常用于比喻,如提高政治覺悟、生活水平、物價、溫度、聲音、稅率等。引申也可表示“籌集”“養大”“飼養”“種植”等。
  2. raise只用作及物動詞,接名詞、代詞作賓語,偶爾也接以“to be+ n./adj. ”充當補足語的復合賓語。
n. (名詞)
  1. raise用作名詞時表示工資、薪金等的增加,是美式英語的用法,英式英語用rise表示。
  1. raise在美式英語中有“飼養,撫養”的意思,如 raise cattle(飼養牲口)和raise children(撫養孩子)。相對應的英式英語則是breed cattle和rear children;
  2. raise在美式英語中還有“增加”的意思,通常指工資等的上升,如a raise in/of salary。英式英語中習慣用rise或increase去替換該詞;


v. (動詞)
raise, rise
  • 這兩個詞都有“提高,上升,增加”的意思,但其用法不同。
  • 1.raise是及物動詞,其主語通常是人; 而rise是不及物動詞,其主語通常是物。例如:
  • I feel I must raise my voice against suggested changes in the law.我認為我必須對該法律所提出的修改條款提出反對。
  • The sun rises and bathes the earth.太陽升起,普照大地。
  • 2.raise和rise用于同一事物時含義不同。例如:
  • The price of TV sets has been raised re- cently.
  • 最近電視機提價了。
  • (政府或廠家主動行動)
  • The price of TV sets has risen recently.
  • 最近電視機提價了。
  • (市場調節)
  • raise, boost, elevate, enhance, exalt, grow, heighten, hoist, lift
  • 這組詞都有“升,抬起,舉高”“增加”的意思。它們的區別是:
  • 1.raise 含有使物體達到應有的高度的含義,可表示“升職”。
  • 2.elevate多是素質等方面提高。例如:
  • Reading good books elevates your mind.閱讀好書能增進你的心靈修養。
  • The good news elevated everyone's spirits.這個好消息鼓舞了每個人的精神。
  • 3.而lift強調物體的沉重,暗示舉起來需要很大力量。通常只用于指克服重力“提升”某一具體事物。例如:
  • This window will not lift.這個窗戶推不上去。
  • The low clouds began to lift.低空的云開始上升。
  • He lifted a heavy stone.他舉起了一塊重石。
  • 4.exalt一般用于指“提高”職位或地位,是正式用語。例如:
  • The manager exalted many of his friends.經理提拔了他的許多朋友。
  • She thanked the President to exalt her.她感謝總統提拔她。
  • 5.boost指在數量上或力量上的提高或增加。例如:
  • It is reported that they will boost the price of crude oil by another 30 yuan a barrel for exportation.據說他們要把出口的原油價格每桶又提高30元。
  • 6.enhance是指在原有基礎上增進價值、力量等。例如:
  • A beautiful garden enhances the appearance of a house.有個美麗的花園可使房屋更美麗。
  • The growth of a city often enhances the value of land close to it.城市的發展常常會提高其附近的地價。
  • 7.heighten指在程度、強度方面加強或提高,可用于精神或物質方面。例如:
  • This only heightens our admiration.這只能使我們更加敬佩。
  • The building had been heightened by the addition of the second storey.這幢樓房從兩層樓往上又加高了一層。
  • 8.grow在作不及物動詞時,表示體積、重量、長度、高度等增長。例如:
  • Babies grow very quickly.小孩長得很快。
  • The crops are growing well.莊稼長勢很好。
  • Plants can't grow without water.沒有水植物不能生長。
  • 9.hoist指用機器將重物吊起。例如:
  • The sailor hoisted the cargo on board.水手們用機器把貨物裝在船上。
  • raise, bring up, grow up, rear
  • 這組詞(組)都有“撫養、飼養”的意思。其區別在于:
  • 1.raise是非正式用語,英式英語中指“養動植物”,美式英語中指“撫養人”。
  • 2.rear在英式英語中指“撫養人”,在美式英語中指“養動植物”,既指“從小養到大”,也指“教養”,是正式用語。例如:
  • The mother reared her children wisely.那位母親很會教養自己的孩子。
  • We reared our children to help others.我們教育子女要樂于助人。
  • She likes rearing birds.她喜歡養鳥。
  • He used to rear pigs.他以前養豬。
  • 3.bring up是動詞短語,作“撫養”解時無語體之分,側重于童年時期的“精心教養”。例如:
  • The woman brought up four children alone .那個婦女獨自養育了四個孩子。
  • He was brought up to believe that money is the most important thing in life.他所受的教養使他相信,金錢是生活中最重要的東西。
  • 4.grow up的意思是“成長”,側重于“達到成熟階段”。例如:
  • This bush has grown up a lot in the last few months.這矮樹叢幾個月來已向上長高了很多。
  • Jane is growing up so fast,I think she's going to be a tall woman.簡長得真快,我想她一定能長成一個高挑兒的姑娘。
  • Stop acting like a child with your bad temper! Do grow up.別耍小孩子脾氣了!快成熟點吧。
  • arise,rise,raise,lift
  • 這些動詞均有“上升,舉起”之意。
  • arise書面用詞,多用于詩歌或比喻中,具有特殊的修辭色彩。
  • rise普通用詞,指具體的或抽象的事物由低向高移動。
  • raise及物動詞,常用詞,多指把某物從低處升到高處,有時作引申用。
  • lift語氣比raise強,指用體力或機械的力舉起或抬起某物。
  • lift,hoist,raise,elevate,heave,boost
  • 這些動詞均有“升起、舉起”之意。
  • lift指用人力或機械力把某物升到較高的位置。
  • hoist多指用繩索、滑輪等機械把重物升起。
  • raise較正式用詞,??膳clift換用,但強調把某物舉起或抬起到應有的高度。常用比喻。
  • elevate較正式用詞,指位置、高度的升高,多作比喻用,指職位、品德等的提高。
  • heave指需花大力氣或借外力才能舉起或抬起重物。
  • boost原義指從后面或下面推起或提高,現常用于指提高價格、振作精神等抽象概念。
  • raise,keep,support,feed
  • 這四個詞都有“撫養”、“養家”、“贍養”的意思,但也有區別。
  • raise意為“撫養(指人);飼養(指動物或禽畜)”之意。
  • keep表示“養活(指人);飼養(指動物或禽畜)”。
  • support意為“養活”,不用于飼養動物。
  • feed意為“喂養;飼養;以......為食”。
  • 常見錯誤

    v. (動詞)

      He rose his hand to ask a question.

      He raised his hand to ask a question.


      The hostess raised to greet us.

      The hostess rose to greet us.

      raise和rise都可表示“由低向上升高的動作或趨勢”,但raise是及物動詞,在主動句中其后必須有賓語; rise是不及物動詞,后面不直接跟賓語。


      October 1,1949 saw the rising of the five-star red flag for the first time on Tian An Men Square.

      October 1,1949 saw the raising of the five-star red flag for the first time on Tian An Men Square.

      國旗是被升起的,不是自動上升的。因此, rising盡管形式不錯,但意義不準確,應該用raising。


      He studies hard to raise his English level.

      He studies hard to improve his English.

      raise his English level是逐字直譯的漢式英語,“提高英語水平”可用 improve one's English表達。


    • ☆ 1200年左右進入英語,直接源自古北歐語的reisa,意為抬起,升起;最初源自古日耳曼語的raizjan。
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