radar image

  • 雷達象

radar image的用法和樣例:


  1. Radar sets, being very complicated, would work fine for days, then suddenly behave like cranky camels.
    由于雷達設備非常復雜,它可以連續幾天都正常工作,突然又會(huì )變得象頭暴躁的駱駝。
  2. If you look at the size of Jamaica in comparison to this radar image showing Hurricane Dean, you can see that the island nation is bracing for a serious storm.
    如果你看一下牙買(mǎi)加的國土大小,再看看迪恩颶風(fēng)的雷達圖象,你會(huì )發(fā)現這個(gè)島國已經(jīng)準備好了颶風(fēng)的到來(lái)。
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